casual pt 2

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A/N: Mainly first draft, no edits so apologies for any mistakes! Enjoy :)


The sunlight peeking through the blind catches Aiah's sleepy eyes as starts to gain consciousness from her deep slumber. She feels a warm embrace wrapped around her bare skin with a gentle possessiveness that's familiar after every night spent in this room. She didn't want to make any sudden movements, conscious that the figure next to her is still asleep judging by the even breathing against her back. She smiles at the thought of last night though there is still a gnawing thought at the back of her head.

In honesty, she is starting to feel exhausted from running away from her feelings and sometimes all she wants to do is give in. Give in to the thought of fully committing to Mikha. She just doesn't know exactly why she couldn't bring herself to do it.  Aiah's always been one to feel the need to have control over things — a characteristic that's probably been moulded by the chaotic environment of her childhood. Always moving around to different places, never having enough time to plant her roots before having to uproot them again. Her young adult life is probably the most stable and consistent it's been. Since she's moved to Manila for university four years ago, she's managed to form connections that she never had before. But the irrational part of her brain still thinks that all this is temporary and unfortunately fear always gets the best of her.

But today, she feels exhausted. All she wants to do is be here, under the covers with Mikha and to stop her brain from over thinking every single detail.

Her thoughts were broken by a soft kiss on her shoulder and an embrace pulling her impossibly close.

"Good morning, bub." Mikha says, her voice low and warm and it makes Aiah's heart flutter and a familiar warmth spreads across her skin.

She turns around to face the redhead, tangling their legs in the process. Her hand gently reaches up to caress Mikha's soft cheeks. "Morning, bub." She responds pressing a feather light kiss on her lips.

A smile forms on Mikha's lips as she slowly opens her eyes to see the brunette's face for the first time this morning. Her beauty looks otherworldly, despite having just woken up and Mikha can't help the pride she feels getting to wake up to this site. She knows they're not exclusive but she also knows no one else sees Aiah like this. That thought in it self makes the butterflies in her stomach go crazy.

She leans in capturing the taller woman's lips once more for a slow, deliberate kiss. Her hands roam around, feeling the softness of Aiah's skin under her touch. She loves slow mornings with her and since their unconventional arrangement started, she can only count with one hand the number of times this has happened so she wants to savour every minute.

Aiah kisses her back with the same rhythm as she presses closer into Mikha, wanting to eliminate every bit of nonexistent space between them. Her hands expertly tangles into the fiery red hair, further igniting the fire between them.

Mikha breaks the kiss for a moment and looks at her right in the eyes, "Aiah, will you stay?"

She doesn't answer, she just closes the gap and her heart take over.

Today she feels tired from running so she decides to stay.

Just for today.


"Oh bat magkasalubong nanaman yung eyebrows mo?" Colet asked taking a seat next to Mikha as she sat on one of the park benches near their university.

It's been one of those weeks. She thought that after they spent that morning together three weeks ago that things would change. That finally her prayers had been answered — but that was wishful thinking. The next weeks remained exactly the same and Mikha's heart was just too bruised to even fight. The cycle remained, full of answered questions and a reconciliation that always ends up with them wrapped around each other's arms.

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