The Hero Appears

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The human's steps echo through waterfall, the only sound there was most of the time was just water flowing, sometimes the sound of dust was heard for obvious reasons, Frisk had managed to manipulate Monsterkid into thinking they're his friend,
[ * What an idiot. ] - they thought.
Finally, they met up with Monsterkid on that same waterfall bridge, nothing seemed to change after snowdin, Frisk sighed in annoyance.

[ * Oh hey! Undyne told me- ] - Monsterkid would be interrupted by a gray knife going straight into his chest.

[ * Shut up and die already. ] - Frisk said, walking forwards and gripping the handle of the gray knife, now slicing through Monsterkid's magic body, he screamed in pain as he continued yelling "SOMEBODY HELP!" "H-HELP!!!"
Frisk found this entertaining, they smiled as they continued on torturing the poor child until a spear pierced through their shoulder, sending them back, almost falling off the bridge.

[ * U-Undyne? ] - Monsterkid said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

[ * Kid, Are you okay? ] - Undyne said, approaching Monsterkid and lowering her body to his size.

[ * I-I don't feel so good... ] - Monsterkid said, leaning on Undyne's chest, he would've hugged her if he had arms, unfortunately he dusted away, Undyne then turned around, angered as she sees that brat pulling the spear off, throwing it at her as she catched it.

[ * YOU! YOU ARE DEAD MEAT! ] - Undyne said, getting up as she charges at Frisk, ready to thrust her spear into their sternum.

[ * I don't feel dead. ] - Frisk said, gripping the flat part of the spear and jumping, kicking Undyne's face.

[ * Not bad! ] - Undyne said, punching Frisk's femur and sending them down the bridge.
Frisk reacts quickly, summoning the flat part of a large gray knife underneath them, spears started to rain down as their knife would move to dodge.
They would keep their grip tight on the knife as it slowly floats back up, now deciding to catch one of the spears and throwing it at the bridge, slicing it in half as Undyne starts falling, hitting the ground but not taking any significant damage.

[ * How was the fall? ] - Frisk asks as they sit down on the floating huge knife, gray knives raining at Undyne.

[ * It was good. ] - Undyne responds, parrying the knives with her spear as she jumps high, Frisk tries moving their knife out of the way however Undyne manages to grip its handle, now spinning it around, flinging Frisk away as they throw the knife straight into their chest.

[ * ARGH! ] - Frisk groans, gripping the knife that's impaling and pinning them to a wall.

[ * Your murdering ends here. ] - Undyne says, walking towards the injured orpan, readying her spear to thrust it into Frisk's head.
Suddenly, the knife flew backwards, causing Undyne to get sent back as the knife spins, slamming its sharp part into her head, piercing her skull as the knife overloads in magic, exploding.

[ * I need to get used to magic. ] - Frisk says, getting up as they look at Undyne's dust, luckily they blew up her skull so she couldn't go undying.
[ * I need to find a save file... quickly. ] - They said, summoning another huge knife and jumping on top of it as it starts flying at rapid speeds, traveling through waterfall as they feel their consciousness slipping away, they would turn their eye to see a bright, yellow star as they quickly change the knife's trajectory to go towards it, the knife then disappears half-way as Frisk falls towards the star, slamming their own fist into it as they were fully healed, now getting up and dusting themselves away.

[ * alright, the fish's dealt with. Now all i need is to go to hotlands and kill as many as i can, maybe i could kill the evacuated people this time. ] - They say, walking through waterfall as they get close to the entrance to hotlands.

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