Im Home...

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Helga P.O.V
It's been 5 years Phoebe how much did I change?? I feel the same I only grew up and did some touches Phoebe!!!! Say something
Phoebe P.O.V
I'm sorry Helga you just look beautiful I burly even recognized you , but for starters Welcome Back!!! And well how was Europe by the way living with you sister??
Helga P.O.V
Actually pheebs it was awesome me and Olga got close and cleared things out she never knew how I felt so now we are cool she was the one that helped me to change my appearance no more pigtails as you can see and well enough about me let's go get some ice cream ( as we go downstairs) Mom!!! Dad!!! I'm going for some ice cream with Phoebe!!, Alright Honey be careful okay my mom said, Do you need money helga? My dad asked, I'll be careful mom and no dad I'm okay thanks bye, Bye honey (both my parents said)
Phoebe P.O.V
Wow Helga your family now pay's attention to you?
Helga P.O.V
Yea My dad and mom wanted things to work out you know to actually be a family so we all got help we went to a family therapist and as you can see everything is just how I dreamed of ,but like I said enough about me you look stunning no more glasses!? And it looks like you grew up as well
Phoebe P.O.V
You really think so and yea I wear eye contacts,but sometimes I wear my glasses and everyone here also grew up Helga are you ready for the first day of high school
Helga P.O.V
That's for sure and yea I'm just scared to see everyone and well Im really worried of seeing Arnold after my confession at FTI building we stopped talking ,but to be honest pheebs I really missed you, my parent's, my friend's, Arnold, I just missed my home...

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