Till Tonight

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Helga p.o.v
I wake up by the sound of a alarm as I wake up I realize I'm at Arnold's house omg I can't believe I'm here on his bed on his side I get up and get my iPhone 6 missed calls and 10 text messages from my parents, Phoebe, and Rhonda I went downstairs I was hungry so I decided to make breakfast I love cooking I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon just then I was putting the orange juice back I felt some hands grab me by my waist

Arnold p.o.v
I wake up feeling cold I open my eyes and I don't see Helga I go downstairs and find her cooking I surprise her by grabbing her waist "Good morning beautiful", Good morning football head are you hungry, I sure am, Well your lucky bucko I made breakfast here, Wow Helga this is delicious, Thanks I learned how to cook as you can see and well while you are finishing I'm going to answer some calls, Alright Beautiful

Helga p.o.v
Omg he called me beautiful I try my best to keep calm so I go upstairs and grab my iPhone I call my mom first
** Hi mom sorry I missed your calls I must have fell asleep
** Hi honey it's ok I'm glad you called I was starting to worry well how u been do you feel better from your stomach pain
** Actually mom I feel great it must have been a cramp or maybe something I ate anyways how are you and dad
** Thats great honey and well we have been going out to places actually we had a romantic dinner yesterday I enjoyed it
** That's awesome mom so I guess I'll be seeing you guys in two weeks
** Ohh about that honey we won't be back till next month we need more time our boss needs us for some business I'm sorry sweetie
** That's okay mom I'll be fine enjoy New York tell my dad I said hi and that I love him
** Thanks sweetie for understanding and I'll tell him ohh before I forget there's a credit card I left you it's in my drawer have fun honey bye
** Thank mom bye
Okay that's done now let's see who else do I need to call aha Phobe
** Good morning Pheebs
** Good morning Helga I was calling you yesterday I was worried about you since you didn't go to school so I called your mom and she told me you stayed home because you had a bad stomach pain are you alright
** I'm fine Pheebs don't worry must have been a cramp or something that I ate
** Oh ok that's good so where are you I'm on your porch, but no one answers
** Ohh I'm with ummmm Arnold?! And well my parents aren't home they went to do some business at New York they won't be back till next month
** Omg!!! Helga are u serious you need to tell me the details and wow that's awesome
** I will how about at Rhonda's party tonight my " Welcome Back Party" haha meet me at my house at 7:00 okay
** Ohh yea I totally forgot I have to go buy a dress and get ready well see you then Helga bye
** Alright see you tonight bye
One more call and I'll be on my way to get my dress and myself ready to
** Hey Rhonda it's me Helga
** Helga dear I've been calling you where have you been
** Ohh I had to stay home my stomach was hurting but I'm okay what do you need
** That's great Helga and well about what time are you coming tonight because you are coming?
** Of course I'm going and at 7:30 I'll be there is that okay
** Thats great dear see you then bye
** Bye
All done now let me put my shoes on and my sweater I go downstairs and see arnold washing the dishes I kiss him in the cheek

Arnold p.o.v
Wow that breakfast was delicious I get up and wash the dishes just then I remember it's Helgas welcome back party I must get her a present I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a kiss on my cheek it was Helga she giggled , Well football head I got good and bad news, Really Helga what is it, Well the good news is my parents won't be back till next month, That's great Helga, and the bad news, The bad news is that I need to go get ready for tonight Arnoldo, Nooo that's bad I'm going to be alone, Haha hey look at the bright side you will see me tonight and well I'll go at your house after the party, Hey that's my thing haha well then till then my love I'll go pick you up, Haha alright then bucko see you then ohh before I forget phoebe is going to so can you and Gerald pick us up at 7:00, Sure thing beautiful, Alright then Bucko bye, Bye beautiful *kiss her cheek*

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