chapter 5

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*Vanessa's Pov *

I was sitting on my hospital bed in so much pain in my leg with my mom sitting beside
Me then the doctor michael Richardson came in the room it's odd they have the same last name

Michael- hello how have you ladies been

Mom-fin-(stops talking) i'm going to go get a drank of water

Me-in pain but other then that I'm fine

Michael- how is your leg?

Me-it hurts so much

Michael- ok so I'm going to give you pain medicine for you leg and we did x-rays
And your leg is broken*shows it to me *
Do u see that bone right there*points to it*


Michael- it's snapped in to two


Michael- so your going to have to use crunches and a case to get around

Me- for how long

Michael- 2-3 months

Me-aww i can't even hang out with my friends

Michael -you can just can't do anything that involves moving from place to place so Vanessa can leave tomorrow with the medication and your crunches

Me-thank you so much

Michael- your so very welcome* leaves*

Me-that sucks

Mom-*comes back in*no it doesn't

Me-and why isn't it

Mom-because i have a surprise for you

Me-oww what is it

Mom-*opens the door *

All my friends were standing in the door way with balloons, cards and bears


Me-hey yall* smiling *

Tayvoin, ben,and malak put the cards and etc down

Nadia-you thought we were gonna let you stay here all bored

Taylor-*hugs you* so how's your leg

Tayvoin- yeah how is it

Me-snapped into two

Nadia- about your leg i think i know who your pushed you

Everybody- who!!

Nadia-alright alright. I sure it was .... Jordan

Me-when i get my hands on her

Mom- no no no you are getting into a fight


Mom-because u just started going to this school


Mom-and your not getting suspended or expelled

Me-come on

Mom-i will talk to your school about jordan until then u avoid and stay away from her

Me-but mom

Everybody- *laughs *

*Skipping to the next morning *

They all went home except for my mom

I woke and my mom came out of the bathroom

Me-good morning and what time is it

Mom-mornin and it's 6:00am we have to get you to school baby


My Mom gave me mouthwash and a cup i used it handed to her

*the doctor comes in*

Michael- hello


Michael- here's your medication and crunches

Me-thank you

Michael- let me see if you can walk in them

Me-ok*stands up slowly*

I put the crunches under my arms

Started walking with them

I walked in the hallway and back into the room

Michael- good good

Mom-come on vanessa we gotta get you to school


We all walked to the car including the doctor

Mom got in the car while a nurse help me get all my stuff into the trunk

*Author's note: Vanessa's mom name is Victoria *

Victoria 's Pov

I can't believe that's Vanessa's father she's. Gonna be asking me questions on how they both have the same name. What am i gonna do?

I got in the car and the Michael walked over to my side

Michael- *knocks on the her window *

Me-*rolls the window *yes

Michael- here's my card just in case u wanna meet up and talk about vanessa and michael Jr

Me- ok*takes it*

Michael- *walks off*

*End of Pov *

Vanessa's Pov

I got in the car

Me-bye Marissa*waves *

Marrissa waved back then my mom pulled off

Me-isn't it wierd the fact that my doctor has the same last name as me

Mom-so how's your leg feeling?

Me-fine? Why are yo changing the subject

Mom-are u sure ?

Me-your doing it again mom are u hiding something from me

Mom-baby can we talk about this later

Me-no no no no no no no and no!!! Im tired of you telling me "well talk about this later" i wanna talk now ,Your not going to keep lying to me ,tell me the true!!

Mom-fine!! Yes, your father !!

Me- *silent *

Mom-- *calm down*6:45 in the morning can we talk about this another time


Mom- *pulls in the garage * vanessa

I grabbed my crunches and my bags and walked slowly to my room then i wrapped my foot in plastic wrap and took a shower after that i lotioned up real good

Then i put on*up top or on the side and Brandi's car too* i looked at my phone and it read 7:15am so i went downstairs and my mom wasn't in the kitchen then i got a text message from her

Mommabear -im in the car

I went outside and got in the car

"This is gonna be a long day" i said to myself

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