The Land of Enchantia

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The Land of Enchantia is a huge, completely open kingdom consisting of only one immense city, much like the city-states of the Ancient Greeks. Many of the people are well-off and soaring towers price into the sky, made of Tian [Tee-auhn], a blue-green stone found only underwater off the coast of Enchantia. The Land itself is on the coast to the ocean. The water is warm and the sun is strong. Enchantia may be described as a place for the rich by other, jealous kingdoms, but the true reason that Enchantians have such good lives is that the monarchy is fair and good. No child goes hungry, no adult is overworked, no worker is underpaid. Enchantia makes a lot of its money from the diamond trade, since there are many mines under Enchantia full of the precious rock. Many tunnels are hollowed under Enchantia, from mining in the past. This is a little dangerous, since one earthquake could make the earth collapse and city to cave in after it. But luckily, earthquakes are rare in Enchantia.

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