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You don't know how often I see fanfiction with:

I'm bad at writing summaries, just read it :P

Well fuck you too.

Don't do that *shivers in disgust*

I ain't reading it because yo lazy bitch ass is too lazy to type up a paragraph about your fanfic.

*slam dunks you into the trashcan*

At least put effort into writing your damn summary.

The summary should contain a paragraph about the basics of your fanfic. The problem, the main character, etc.

But don't put spoilers in it, like if the pansy ass moves into a small cloudy town and she suspects that pansy ass #2 is a vampire, and it's actually true.

Whoop dee fucking doo, you failed.

Don't make me slam dunk you into the trash again.

Make a summary descriptive and clear, with maybe something to hook your readers in.

(I get annoyed when the summary says: will Kawaii Sunshine Sparklefarts find true love, or will she have her heart broken again and shit like that. I ALREADY KNOW WHAT THE ENDING IS NOW, ITS OBVIOUSLY NOT THE SAD ONE JFC)

*nopes out of fanfic*

(Unless she does find true love and discovers that her crush falls hard for another, and she cheers them on and wants them to be happy at the cost of her heart breaking and living a depressed life)

And I'm perfectly fine with you putting your summary inside, but I probably wouldn't read because I am a lazy bitch ass and I don't feel like clicking on fanfics that don't interest me.

So yeah.


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