"You've changed, what happened to you?"
Barou Shohei remembers a time when him and his family went on month long holiday to Okinawa, there is where he met a girl with little to no friends...
Creeping from behind the hallway to my kitchen was larg, tall and gangly figure, I couldn't make out any other facial features besides, it's soulless eyes staring into my own. The sound of it tapping one of its fingers on the wall was breaking the thick tension in the air, and reaching its way to my fragile eardrums
'I've never seen this one before...'
It doesn't respond, it just simply, screams,
Bloody murder
It's loud and it hurts I feel like every bone in my body is shattering,
And my house quaking
It's still screams, it's jaw unhinging and fanning out into a monstrous abyss of blood, teeth and gums
Falling to my knees, hands covering my ears, tears parading down my face