Chapter 20

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Drake: hold on, how was she drowned ? Wasn't she with you?!?

Andy: she said she wanted to be by herself

Andy: the market was legit 5 mins away !!

Andy: I HAD ONE JOB >_<

Drake: aren't the cops supposed to be watching us ?!? Maybe they saw something!!

Andy: YES !!

Andy: I'm going to ask now !!

Drake: alright, I'm waiting .

Andy: where do they usually stay?

Andy: I can't see them anywhere !

Drake: they are probably hidden so no one is suspicious

Andy: I'll check again :/

Andy: nope still no sight of them.

Drake: what??,?? They were supposed to be watching us 24/7!!!

Andy: well apparently they didn't do their job right -.-'

Drake: how did u find mel sfter she ....

Drake: after **

Andy: I'll tell you about it later, I have her in my back and I'm heading towards the closest hospital.

Andy: maybe they can get the water out or something

Drake: don't you know CPR?!?

Andy: you know I never listened in health class

Andy: can't talk now. I'll talk to you once I get to the hospital.

Drake: are u going to the one we are at?

Andy: yeah I think it's the nearest

Andy: gtg


Andy: I'm at the hospital emergency room

Andy: they are trying CPR right now

Andy: I don't think she'll make it :(

Drake: you made it pretty fast!! Maybe they can still save her

Andy: I can't stand the sight of this !!

Andy: it's all my fault !


Drake: it's not your fault, it's the fault of person who kills

Andy: I shouldn't have left her

Andy: maybe we could've both died

Andy: I should've died instead of her !

Drake: don't say that!

Drake: Andy it's not your fault

Andy: we didn't even report that she was found

Andy: it was my fault

Andy: if we had reported it, she wouldn't be in the emergency room!

Drake: its nobody's fault but the killers fault

Drake: don't be too hard on yourself

Drake: if we knew this would happen we would've reported it,

Andy: I thought I could keep her safe

Andy: I wasn't planning on keeping it a secret from the police forever

Andy: just until she got her memory back....

Andy: now I'd be glad if she got her life back...

Andy: I just came back and she was just lying their

Andy: her whole body soaked in water and her face pale.

Andy: if only I knew CPR

Andy: I was completely useless


Drake: hopefully they can save her

Drake: don't be too hard on yourself Andy

Andy: one sec they are calling me

Drake: take your time ..


Andy: they tried all they could ....

Andy: she's gone ....

A/n: happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to me ^.^ you guys have no idea how happy I was when I saw that I got #260 on the what's hot list !!!! THATS CRAZY 0.0 how did I manage to get from 400 to 260 ! It's all thanks to you guys !! I hope you liked today's chapter and if you did tell me below on what you think and who you think killed her ?!

Also click that vote button ^.^ it's a free birthday present ^.^

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