Brother's Comment

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Now Sherona was sorry they fought. She was 24 now. She should know better. Tillman was 18. He should probably know better, too.

She flashed briefly on a memory of her brother from a couple years ago. He was watching a video in the very room where Sherona was watching TV. That was before his bedroom was down here and about a month before Sherona's wedding. It was very late at night and he thought he was alone when she caught him stroking away watching two white women pleasure themselves with dildos. She'd seen his cock, hard and strong, and she'd seen it erupt with tasty cum.

Her brother had a very nice cock.

Now she wished that he hadn't caught her watching him. Except for the argument at the end, it was a very nice memory. Yes, that young man had a very nice cock.


"My damn sister is going to be here all summer. I just know it," Tillman was telling Danny. He'd walked down to the Porter house from his own, and the two of them went upstairs to hang out. "I shouldn't fight with the bitch, I know. But it seems that she's always looking to get at me. You and your sister get along so good. How do you do it?"

"I guess I'm lucky that I don't have a bitch sister," Danny said. "But I bet you don't really, either."

"Sure I do," Tillman said. "But it isn't actually Sherona. Cherie is the bitch in my family. Sherona just thinks that everything belongs to her."

Elaine had gone downtown and Cathy had gone home shortly before Tillman came over, so the boys were alone at the moment. Alone meant that Danny gave him another look at the video of his mom playing the man's role in a strap-on encounter with their neighbor, Patty Trent. The two of them stared, each wishing they were alone so they could get off watching it. The last thing either wanted right now was to see each other's dick.

"Sherona's the sexy one, right?"

"Yeah, I guess she's pretty fine," Tillman admitted. "Why?"

"She like younger men?" Danny laughed, playing it as a joke. The truth was that he did think Sherona was sexy, and he wouldn't mind having a chance with her. But then, he wouldn't really have a chance.

0"She's a divorced woman," Tillman said. "Used to getting it regular, right?"


"So I suspect she likes anybody who can get it up." Tillman laughed. "I can probably fix you up. Just trade your mom for my sister."

"No, I can only trade my mom for your mom. But I'll trade my sister for yours," Danny said. "An even trade. Besides, Elaine already likes you."

"She does?" Tillman was aware that he'd sounded too eager just then, and he looked at the screen to cover his embarrassment with lust for the two women on screen. "Damn, your mama is the definition of MILF."

"Yeah, she can sure get a boy worked up," Danny said, standing a bit to adjust his pants. "It's getting hard to act normal, you know? I say things like, 'Hey Mom, did you see my tee shirt?' What I'm thinking is, 'Hey Mom, can I watch you fuck Mrs. Trent?' It's weird."

"You're gonna slip some time," Tillman said. "Shit gonna hit the fan."

"Here." Danny stopped the video and clicked on a different file. "Let's get something with a money shot."

The video of his father and mother getting busy in the basement came up on the computer monitor. "Shit," Tillman said. "Your Dad is a stud. Look at him wailing away on your mom. The guy's a machine." Tillman's cock was hard in his pants, very hard. Unfortunately, it was doubled over and he'd have to reach in to straighten it out. "And she's even hotter here."

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