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This contest is going to be judged by FOUR RESIDENT JUDGES. These resident judges will also serve as your TEAM QUEEN. Yes! You've read it right! You'll be divided into four groups and your leader will be called as 'queen'. So basically, this contest is going to be judged by these four beautiful ladies who'll join you in your journey until the end. BUT! They will also lead you to HELL.

This contest is going to have four groups namely, TEAM ARCHERS, TEAM WIZARDS, TEAM WITCHES and TEAM VALKYRIE. As you can observe, the names of the teams are from Clash of Clans. This contest is named as AGON: Chariot of words and the word Agon is derived from the word Agony, which means extreme pain, in which will give you an idea on how hard and challenging this contest is going to be until the end.

This contest is going to have FOUR ROUNDS.

Every round, your TEAM QUEEN is going to give you a specific Filipino movie/short film that you are going to watch and base your story. This movie/short film is associated with a SPECIFIC THEME that all of the teams will use. After the given deadline, your work is going to be judged by your Team Queen. Yes! Your queen is going to decide your fate. Every round, there'll be 'n' (we still don't know the total number of contestants) people who will be kicked out from the group and the rest will be battling until the third round.

At the end of the third round, the team queen is going to choose 2 people from your group to join the final battle. On the final battle, the eight contestants are going to compete against each other. The queens are not going to help/guide/coach you in this battle. They won't judge their team's work, instead they are just going to judge all of the works of the final contenders. And also, we'll be having 3 guest judges who'll judge the final entries. All in all, we'll be having ONE JUDGE from first to third round and we'll be having SEVEN JUDGES on the fourth/final round.

The Queens are going to use this wattpad account to comment on your work. They'll just use their own codenames: Queen *insert her team's name here*

Isn't it amazing?

Agon: One-shot Writing ContestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon