I'll Never Call This Chapter 4

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Romano decided going to the infirmary was what he was going to do to kill the time. He turned his body the opposite way from the courtyard and roamed back hallways till he felt he was getting closer to where the nurse's office was located. Perhaps he could get this bump checked out too. He hadn't seen it yet, but he guessed it was big considering the looks he got from his classmates when they made eye contact. It definitely felt like a bruise. It hurt like a bruise.

Man, this school was big. Romano had never once been to the nurse's office this year or the last. First time for everything. The people were more scarce here. Everyone was probably in class or out for lunch. Ugh, lunch. Boy, He was hungry. But what could he do? Beg Feliciano for his leftovers?

Maybe Romano WOULD do that. Oh but wait, is that the office?

Romano spotted ahead of him a group of small doors. When he squinted he could vaguely read "Infirmary". Well, that sounded good enough for him, would do. Infirmary and Nurse's Office same thing. His feet trotted along the tile until they met the doorway. He stood just outside, strangely enough for him, he was hesitant. Oh, just get in there already! He twisted the knob and and entered looking like a hangry person. Angry and hungry.

The Infirmary was much bigger than the tiny door that concealed it. It was more lengthy than a classroom and separated off into sections. Near the front, an area that looked like more of a waiting room conjoined with the five or so cots, hidden behind transparent aqua curtains. Sinks stuck to the wall atop counters. There were three even tinier rooms inside this one. A boy's bathroom and also a girl's. Then a storage closet near the left corner of the back room where the staff presumably kept medicines and ice packs. It smelled like air fresheners and disinfectants. Very clean.

Well he couldn't just keep standing there and gawking at the place, walk over to the desk and meet the head honcho. The mafia boss in this pimp palace was much younger than he expected. She looked exactly the same age as Romano, why the hell was she working as a nurse in a highschool?

The girl was relaxing with her back leaned against the swivel chair and her legs comfortably crossed. She held a book with a rust colored hardback that Romano was sure he was being forced to read in his English class up to her nose. She seemed to be reading it very intently. Romano took another step and the girl looked up surprisingly from her book. She smiled and eyed Romano curiously, then her eyes rose to his forehead and she made a sympathetic expression which Romano could clearly see.

At the core of him, it bugged him to be pitied.

"Yea, I know. It looks bad doesn't it, but that's not why I'm here," he trailed off and looked to the desk where doctor prescriptions and a list of phone numbers were lying in an organized pile. The nurse's name tag resided at the front of the desk by the sign in sheet. It read: Adalina Pagano.

"Well whatever it is you're here for, please sign in first," she motioned him to the paper and pen beside his hip. Romano picked up the pen and hastily scribbled his name in sloppy writing, she took the paper from Romano as he watched.

"Okay, Romano Vargas. If you're not here for that swelling purple thing on your forehead, what is it you would be needing?" She was too young to own such a motherly tounge. Romano bit his lip, scraping dead flesh off the skin with his bottom teeth and thinking of something to say.

"I um... Signorina Pagado-" The girl raised an eyebrow and opened her sage eyes at the Italian with a wide look when he had spoken the name on top of the counter.

She shook her head and said,"No no, I'm not Infermiera Pagado. I'm just her helper. She's out browsing the market for new remedies while she's on lunch break. Sorry if you were hoping for the nurse, but anything you need I will have to help you for right now, Romano. Come over to the cupboards so I can examine your mighty bruise," before the older Vargas could reply, she nudged him with her hands to the sinks and made him sit in a chair. "By the way, I'm Elizabeta Héderváry , and I already knew your name was Romano. How could you not recognize me when we sit only a few seats away from each other in Lezione Di Spagnolo?" She winked at him, and he thought that was really weird.

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