The struggle of buying new jeans. When picking out jeans, if your short you need to check how long they are. Because if you don't and you just buy them, you might end up with pants that are longer than your whole body. In some stores there are jeans that come in short!! So look out for those! That can be a life saver. But sometimes the jeans you want so so bad are too long but you have some options. Sometimes you'd do anything for something you want or you just look good in.
Rule #1: fold them up (either on the inside or the outside)
Rule #2: take them to the cleaners and have them tailor it ( make sure they measure it with you actually wearing them. You don't want to end up with high waters)
Rule #3: just buy them in the right size and length so you won't have to worry about cutting or folding
Tall people are lucky they don't need to worry about their jeans being too long.