Part 1

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You start combing your hair when the pregnancy test buzzer starts beeping. You wearily glance down at it and then go completely still once you see that it reads. You swallow and pick the stick up. You shake your head, your mouth slipping open. A slither of hope slides through your veins. "It can't be." You whisper, staring at the number on the tiny screen. It reads: 3-4 weeks pregnant. You clasp a hand over your mouth, joyous tears in your eyes. After years of trying to get pregnant and failing, you are finally going to have a baby! You set the pregnancy stick down and sniff. "Richard!" You call, your voice hoarse. "Yes?" He answers from downstairs. "Can you come up into our room for a minute?" You say. Instead of answering you, you hear your husband running up the stairs. "Is something a matter?" He asks. You sniff, tears slipping down your cheeks. You clutch the pregnancy stick in your hands. "Y/N, why are you crying?" He asks softly, worry lacing his tone. He rushes over to you and pulls you into his arms. "Did something happen? Did you hurt yourself? Did someone die?" He asks. "No, no." You laugh, sniffing. You pull back and hold out the pregnancy stick. Richard's eyebrows furrow and he takes it. He reads the screen and then looks up at you for reassurance. "You're...?" He stops, hope kindling in his eyes. "I am." You laugh. Richard picks you up around your waist and spins you around, laughing. He gently sets you on your feet and holds you close. "I thought-I thought we weren't going to be able to have children." He states. "I know, I did also." You agree. Richard pulls back to give you a long kiss on the lips. "I'm so happy." He breathes, his forehead against yours. ~
You're at your first doctor's appointment, waiting for an ultrasound. "Do you think our baby is going to be a girl or a boy?" You ask Richard, who's been oddly distant the past few days. You watch him waiting for an answer. "Richard?" You ask. He still doesn't answer you, his eyes watching something outside the hospital room. "Richard!" You exclaim, touching his arm. He jumps and looks at you. "Huh? What? What is it?" He asks. Your eyebrows draw and you give him a worried look. "Are you okay?" You ask. "Yes, yes I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Richard asks. "Because I was talking to you and you weren't replying." You state. "Oh, sorry." He mutters, running a hand through his hair. "Richard, you're getting me worried. You look so tense." You say, touching his rigid back. He turns and looks at you, concerned. "Don't stress, Y/N. You don't want to upset the little one and then something happens." He blurts out worriedly. You stare at him, an idea suddenly dawning on you on why he's so distant and tense. You gently touch Richard's arm. "Is that what this is about?" You ask. "Are you afraid that I won't be able to carry our child till the third trimester?" You ask, softly. Richard looks away, but not before you can see the tears and fear in his eyes. "Oh, Richard." You breathe, tears in your eyes. He looks at you. "I just don't want anything happening to you or the baby, Y/N." He says, sniffing, trying to stay strong. "I don't want to lose the baby and you. I couldn't bare it. " He whispers, his head bowed. Wrapping your arms around Richard, you lay your head on his shoulder. "We can't live in fear, Richard. I'm scared of losing this baby too. I sometimes get panicked about it. But I have to stop myself. For the sake of our child." You say. "We have to trust that this baby will be healthy and that it will be delivered in the third trimester. We have to, Richard." You add. "Okay." He breathes, his head buried in your neck. You rub his back and close your eyes. ~
7 and 1/2 months later, you're sipping water from a water bottle when you feel pressure on your abdomen. You take in a sharp breath and put a hand to your protruding stomach. Another cramp cinches your stomach and you gasp, gripping the counter top. You reach for your cellphone and quickly dial Richard. "Hey honey, how're you doing? I'm just walking to my car. I'll be home in twenty minutes." He says cheerfully. "Ri-Richard, I need you to please hurry up. I'm in labor." You say, the pain easing up somewhat. There's silence on the other end of the line. "Richard, did you hear me?" You ask. "I-I-I-" Richard stammers in shock. "Richard, sweetheart, please come home as soon as possible." You say. "I'll be home in 10 minutes!" He exclaims. You don't miss the hint of panic in his voice. ~
"Ah!" You cry, breathless. "Please, make it stop." You beg, clutching Richard's hand. You've been in labor for a whole 26 hours, and you've been pushing for 6. "You're almost there, Y/N." The midwife informs. "I can't... I can't do this." You say weakly. "Yes, you can, Y/N. You're strong. You're brave. Just a couple of more pushes and our baby will be here." Richard says. "Another contraction is coming." The midwife says. You lean forward and bear down with all your might, letting out a strangled cry. Richard holds your hair back from your sweaty forehead. "Okay, great job! Now just one more like that." The midwife commands. You breathe heavily, your whole body wracked with pain. A minute passes and then the last contraction starts. "Push, Y/N! Push!" The midwife, the nurse, and Richard say together. You push hard and yell. A minute later, the room is filled with the squall of a newborn baby. ~
You hold your newborn baby girl in your arms, and your heart swells with love. "She's beautiful." You murmur. Richard lovingly kisses the side of your head and sits down next to you. "Just like her mama." He says. You smile at him and see the tears in his eyes. "Thank you so much, Richard." You say, giving him a kiss on the lips. "Thank you too, Y/N." He says, glancing down at his daughter. You rest the back of your head against his chest while he wraps his arms around yours. He gently pulls you close. "My heart feels like it's about to explode." Richard laughs softly. You laugh and cry. "Mine does too." You say. He gently brushes his daughter's fuzzy head with his thumb. "I'm in awe, Y/N. I'm in awe." He murmurs. You smile and cast him an upward glance. "Then let's always be in awe of her. She's our precious miracle." You say. "Our precious miracle." Richard whispers, before leaning down to place a small kiss on her head.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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