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Dedicated to for being a Twinklinson. Go follow them here, and on Quotev, too!

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Louis gets that money has been tight lately. He also gets it when he had to get a job and drop some of his university classes to help pay the bills, and he also got why they had to sell most of their valuables at pawn shops to scrape up extra savings. It was okay, and he understood. He was just happy his family was still happy, and healthy.

He really did understand, that is, until he woke up in the car with his hands and feet bound together with rope.

Louis makes a confused noise and looks around at his family. "What's going on? Why am I tied up?" Nobody answers. Louis thinks he sees Phoebe's chin wrinkle.

"Mum? Dad? What's happening? Why-," Louis gets cut off.

"Lottie, darling, if you could gag him, please. It'll make this entire process easier," Louis' father, Mark, says. Lottie's lip wobbles and her eyes get shiny as she ties a cloth around his mouth tightly, but she says nothing also.

"Louis, listen to me," Mark starts, "a few months ago, someone approached us on the street. We've no idea how they found out about our financial issues, but they have, and they offered to help us. They told us they'd give all of the girls free rides to college! They would pay off all our debts and pay back our loans! And then they'd give us some more! We were so excited, we would finally get ourselves out of the hole we dug." Louis makes an outraged noise, but his father ignores him and continues driving.

"We didn't realise at the time that we would have to play them back. We told them that we would never have enough money to pay them back, and for a little while it was a big problem..."

"Of course it was a big problem, we didn't want to owe money to the largest European Mafia there is!" Louis' mother scoffs, and Louis can feel the blood drain from his face.

"Anyway," Mark began again, "they told us we had a few years to make up the money, and left us alone until about a week ago. Apparently, they'd gone into our medical history and looked at scans and check-ups and so on and so on, and they found something interesting." Mark's eyes meet Louis in the rearview mirror.


Louis makes a distressed noise, wondering what the fucking Mafia could want with him.

"Louis, you have a uterus. Fully functioning female reproductive organs, too, excluding a vagina. We have no idea how it happened, other than the fact that when Jay was pregnant with you, we were informed you were a girl, and then when you were born, turned out to be a boy. We're guessing the organs have already formed, but changed slightly and the last moment.

"This, is why they want you. Their Don-I think his name is Harry? Berry? Burt? Harvey? I don't know-said he was interested in how you body functioned and wanted to get to know you. At first we said no, we would never give you up," Mark says, his mother nodding along. "But then he told us that all our fees would be payed off and we would get to keep the money if he would get you. Louis...we couldn't not accept. We're so sorry, but we had to think of the family."

Am I not family? Am I not important? Just because I wasn't born to the same father? Louis thought.

Louis' mother spoke up. "Lou, darling. We love you so much, okay? We have never not loved you and we will always continue to love you, and think of you, and pray for you. You're so amazing for doing this for us."

Louis screamed through his gag, eyes watering and overflowing.

"Louis, please stop crying!" Jay said, while Mark murmured out, "We're here."

Lottie and Phoebe got out so Louis would be able to slide out. His father pulled him out by his tied ankles and helped Louis stand. Louis, his mother, and his father all then shuffled over to the door of a large mansion. Louis, who had stopped crying glared at the ground beneath his feet.

Louis' father rapped his knuckles against the wood, and not soon after the door opened.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson along with Louis Tomlinson?" A female voice spoke. Louis could see black combat boots from his point of view, and continued to listen.

"Right, well right this way, Don Harry is waiting for you." Then, the thud of heavy boots on tile. Mark and Jay pulled Louis behind him and into what seemed to be a large living room. Louis finally did look up and noticed a grand staircase to the left.

"Wait here, and do not move. Do not leave this room. Do not touch anything. If you break it, you will pay double. If you do not listen, we will make sure that next time you will." She then turned towards Louis. "Please kneel on the ground, with your bottom resting on your ankles. It shows respect. Your obedience is much appreciated," the female said, walking up the right side of the staircase and to the right, disappearing down the hall.

Louis saw Mark start to move towards a couch, but stopped when his mother hissed. "Don't you dare sit in that fucking seat, Mark. You heard her!"

Mark mumbles something but nonetheless moves back behind his son.

The sound of heels clicking against the floor echoed down the stairs, and Jay turned to her son. "Louis, kneel!" She hissed, quietly. Louis glared at her, unmoving. "Louis! She said, desperate. "Louis, just-"

"God damn it, Louis!" Mark said, before he forced Louis down to the floor in front of the steps right as a man walked onto the platform on the stairs.

Louis glanced up, glare still in place as he took in long legs clad in dark pants, the dark suit. The curly hair, the bastard smirk. His glare intensified as the man waltzed down the steps, heels clicking loudly against the marble.

Their eyes stayed locked together as the man crouched in front of Louis. He reached his hand out, gripping Louis' jaw even though he flinched.

"Hello," he said, voice low and sultry. His green eyes shone in amusement. "'m Harry Styles, leader of the Vasiliev Mafia. I know the names don't match but maybe I'll explain later, yeah? People call here call me Don, but on the streets my name is much more gruesome." Harry winked.

Louis squinted. He wanted to yell at Harry to get his hands the fuck off of him, but it was muffled through the cloth tied around his mouth. Harry frowned, and pulled the cloth apart, the knot sliding out of place.

"What was that, darling?" Harry smiled, sweetly.

"Don't touch me," Louis snarled, yanking his jaw away. He could hear his mother's horrified gasp and wanted to laugh at it. That bitch.

"Excuse me?" Harry looked affronted, and borderline amused.

"You heard me," Louis scoffed.

Harry chuckled. "Darling, I'll touch you whenever I want. You are mine, after all."

"Go fuck yourself." Louis glared. Harry's nostrils flared, but the rest of his face remained neutral.

"Paul, Alberto," Harry began, still looking at Louis, "please take him to my bedroom. Tie his arms to the headboard, wide. Thank you." Louis watched two men emerge from underneath the staircase and grab one half of his body each. They each carried me up the stairs, and as I was about to disappear behind the corner, I caught my parents' blank eyes.

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So sorry to the people that were looking forward to the one shot book, but the thing is, I made the book solely for this, and just decided to make it a story, so. If you're still wanting a one shot book, go ahead and leave me a comment. Thanks so much for putting up with my shit, fam.


If you read the former published version of this book under the author epanouir please know that that is me! My account was deleted but it's all been figured out now. I'm back! And super excited. Sooo. Yeah. If you've followed me before, hi! Welcome back. Ily. Haha.
In addition, I'd like to leave a lil disclaimer that there light be soe scenes that may be slightly triggering! So read at your own risk, or whatever they say. (:
Okaaaay well...

Stay lovely. x

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