Date with You??

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Did he just ask me out?!???! I've inly known him for like 24 hours not even!! This guy is crazy.
Maybe he's just joking.?

"A date with you??? Hahahha" I sort felt a little bit bad for laughing, but come on dude really.!

"Umm...yea that's what I said didn't I.?" Ok he's defiantly not joking!!! What do I do. I should say yes just to be nice. It's not that I'm attracted to him. Ok maybe a little but those muscles come on who wouldn't me attracted?!?

"Ok" I said like it would not hurt going on one date with him
"Are you seriously saying yes?"" Um yea unless you want me to no soo...... No."
"Wait no no no I was just surprised because you just met me."
"Well that is true but w.e" I said as I yawned
"Ok so I'm going to go now." I just nodes at him.
"Good night beautiful" and he disappeared through the window
That gave me butterflies. I felt me face get all red.
I went to bed after being dumbstruck  for a few seconds.

I couldn't sleep for a while just because I was thinking of him calling me beautiful .

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