The Wars of Our Fathers

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"Rowan?" Spencer asked softly. "Wake up."
Her eyes opened to the bright hospital lights.
"What happened?" She asked. Her head ached.
"Your blood pressure bottomed. You lost consciousness." She managed to focus her eyes on him. There was a bundle of blankets in his arms.
"Is that-" she couldn't form the words.
Spencer just smiled. "Yeah. They wanted to know a name but we hadn't decided on one." He didn't take his eyes off of the baby.
"Can I hold her?" She asked, sitting up slightly.
Spencer handed her to Rowan.
"Hello." Tears were blurring Rowan's eyes.
"We did it." Spencer said softly. "You did it."
"We make a pretty good team." She smiled slightly and managed to look away from their baby.
"What about Elizabeth Grace?" She asked.
"Elizabeth Grace Reid." Spencer nodded. "I agree."
Rowan looked down at her daughter.
"Do you think she'll have an eidetic memory?" Rowan asked.
"I don't know. Eidetic memories are rare." Spencer reminded her.
"I really hate having an eidetic memory." Rowan gently moved a piece of blond hair on Elizabeth's forehead away from her eyes.
"I am going to be the best mother I can be to you, Elizabeth Grace. Your dad and I, we will always be there for you." Rowan pressed a kiss to Elizabeth's forehead just as the nurse walked in to take the baby to the nursery.
Rowan parted begrudgingly.
"The team's on their way, aren't they?" She asked, leaning her head on the pillow and semi- closing her eyes.
"They've already gotten here. They're in the waiting room." Spencer told her. "I didn't want them to see her before you did."
Rowan started to smile.
"You are the sweetest and most thoughtful person I know." She smiled. "And wow, they have me drugged up." She looked at the IV she was attached to.
Spencer looked up at the door: the doctors had alerted the rest of team.
"Sorry, Hotch." Rowan winced slightly as she shifted. "I don't think I can come into work tomorrow."
Hotch almost smiled. "Understood."
"Who's the godparents?" Penelope asked excitedly.
"Well," Rowan looked at Spencer. He gave a small nod. "If you and our dearly beloved Morgan would agree, you two are."
Penelope smiled widely.
Morgan looked slightly shocked.
"What?" He managed.
"Does that mean you two are godsiblings? Can you call her your actual little sister?" Penelope voiced.
Morgan just managed a weak smile and shook his head.
"Do you accept?" Rowan joked with Morgan.
"Duh." Penelope said for him. Morgan nodded.
"Good." Rowan yawned loudly.
"We'll leave you two alone." Emily motioned the team out.
There were a few more congratulatory wishes before the room was empty.
"I don't remember my mom." Rowan managed. "I remember she used to read to me but that's it."
"We'll figure this out, Rowan. I swear to you. We won't be like our parents." He leaned forward and kissed her.
Secretly, though, he was terrified. If his schizophrenia suddenly formed...
Rowan was terrified as well. What if she ended up being exactly like her father: what if there was a psychotic killer in her too?
They both smiled at each other, though.
Rowan closed her eyes and let out a breath of relief.
At least Spencer got what he wanted: a child.
She knew she should be thrilled but something made her stomach lurch.
Maybe it was rapidly falling blood pressure...

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