Chapter 37

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With a heavy heart, taehyung slowly opened the door while others also followed him upstairs and got scared to see the blood. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see anything

“tae it's not kookie” jimin said, and taehyung quickly opened his eyes, but his eyes got widened to see their maid's body lying down while the blood was coming out like a river

Yoongi quickly sat beside her, trying to check her pulse, but she was already dead

“w-where's my koo” taehyung whispered as his heart was still beating fast at the thought of something happening with jungkook or his baby

“your koo is here”

They all turned around to see daejung standing there with jungkook whose mouth was tied with cloth while a knife was in his hand, which he placed on jungkook's belly

“if something will happen with jungkook or my baby, i'll kill you”

Daejung laughed “i'm not scared of your threats... you already ruined my  company and now my son also hates me because of you, so today i'll kill your wife and baby in front of you so you can know what real pain is”

“don't you dare you bastard”

“daejung please don't do this with my son” mina cried trying to reach for jungkook but daejung slightly pushed the knife on jungkook's belly, causing a little cut

“DON'T!!” taehyung shouted as his eyes also filled with tears “please let him go”

Daejung ignored taehyung's words and gave a little more pressure on the knife

Jungkook closed his eyes, clenching his fists in fear but his mind was only telling him jungkook if you'll die then your baby will also die and you can't let anything happens with your baby, you have to fight

He slowly opened his eyes and pushed daejung back and about to run toward taehyung, but unfortunately daejung held his hand and was about to stab him, but mina came in between and got stab on her arm

Namjoon and yoongi quickly grabbed daejung while jimin and jin started checking mina

Taehyung quickly removed the cloth from jungkook's mouth and hugged him tightly “bun are you okay” he asked but got no response only to notice jungkook's unconscious body in his arms

He picked jungkook up in bridal style and went into another room as their room was filled with blood while jin, jimin and mina also followed him

“jimin-ah can you please call the doctor” taehyung said and carefully laid jungkook down on the bed, he pulled jungkook's shirt up to see the cut on his belly which was not too deep or anything, he sighed in relief and applied the ointment on the cut and then kissed his belly “i hope you and your eomma are fine”

After thirty minutes, the doctor arrived, and started checking jungkook while others were waiting patiently. After checkup she looked at taehyung “mr kim your wife lost consciousness because of fear and stress and moreover, he's already too much weak because of teenage pregnancy so you have to take extra good care of him otherwise there's a risk of miscarriage or premature delivery”

Taehyung nodded and the doctor left from there

“tae you should come back home” jin said but taehyung didn't reply him

“tae put your ego aside and think about jungkook... doctor said he needs extra good care and what happened today i don't think it's possible here”

Taehyung looked at him angrily “i can take care of my wife”

“kim taehyung don't be stubborn and think about jungkook and your unborn child”

Taehyung sighed and looked at jungkook “fine but for now just leave us alone for sometime”

After they left the room taehyung laid beside jungkook and pulled him in his arms “hubby is sorry bun... i shouldn't have left you alone”

“it's not your fault hubby” jungkook whispered slowly with half close eyes

Taehyung smiled and hugged him tightly “i was so scared koo”

Jungkook weakly giggled “so mr kim taehyung can also get scared”

Taehyung hide his face in jungkook's neck and started crying “you're my soul bun... without you I'll die”

Jungkook caressed his back to calm him down “hubby look at me”

Taehyung looked at him and jungkook wiped his tears

“don't cry hubby i'm fine... as long as you're with me nothing will happen to me so stop crying otherwise I'll also start crying and you know very well if I'll start crying the whole neighbourhood will be here”

Taehyung chuckled and pecked his lips “i'm not crying”

On the other hand namjoon and yoongi called the police who arrested daejung and took the dead body of their maid

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