Chapter 27

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Dream :
I was on a beach, Hawaii maybe ? Bali ? I don't know not like I've ever been to any of those places so it doesn't really matter. I was sitting down on a nice light blue beach chair looking out at the ocean, I was happy their wasn't a care in the world and I knew it this is the life that I have always wanted. Two small kids came running towards me with these amazing smiles on their faces which I knew was the reason for all of my joy in this life I had in this amazing dream. They were my children, a girl and a boy , this was the family i had dreamed about having since I was a little girl. It was perfect. " Mommy look I found a sea shell come quick!" The little girl said grabbing my hand and with the little strength she had trying to drag me out of the chair as the boy excitedly looked over to where the girl was dragging me. " okay okay I can't wait to see this lets go !" I said enthusiastically grabbing both of their hands as she leads me to this sea shell of hers. "daddy helped us find it" my son said looking up at me with a smile gesturing towards a man just a few feet in front of me. I look up at him , my perfect husband, the father of my kids and the person who completes my perfect family, the person I love.

My eyes slightly fluttered open revealing a dull white light on the ceiling and I remembered where I was I sat up on my pillow and took a deep breath.. I know what to do, I know who to choose.

I got up out of my bed and feeling a lot better I took off the disgusting hospital stuff and threw on some shorts and a tank top that I guess someone brought me, probably Crawford but that doesn't matter. I opened the door and started walking down the hall I saw jack walking my way and his face lit up as he saw me " Ryder your up hey I was just going to get some coffee" i weakly smiled at him, " jack we have to talk " "ya sure about what?" He said, " jack I love you, I truly do, but not in the way you might think . I just can't be with you I'm sorry." I looked away scared of seeing the expression on his face but I slowly looked up as his eyes met mine and you wouldn't believe how hurt he look but being the amazing strong person he is he just said a simple sentence " I hope he treats you well... You deserve the best Ryder" then he simply just walked away. I would have gone after him but I knew their was no use and now I could do what I really wanted to, go to my perfect guy who I love... Cameron. I walked down to the waiting room and saw Crawford and Chris they stood up and I gave them a hug but before they could say anything I blurted out " where's Cameron!" Chris just pointed down the hall and I almost ran I was looking into every room until I bumped into someone " oh I'm sorry" I said turning around to see cam and wow I can't even describe that feeling when I saw him. " Ryder hey I -" I cut him off by just kissing him. The most passionate amazing kiss I've ever had in my life and I wish it could last forever. I slowly pulled away and he has the most amazing smile on his face the smile that just makes me smile you know that smile that just makes you feel amazing inside that makes you fall in love with him all over again. " Cameron Alexander Dallas ... I love you ." "Does that mean..." He said his face just lighting up, " I can't describe how amazing you make me feel , yes I pick you "

Authors note:
So this is the end of my story :) I'm sorry it took so long but this is the ending I've always wanted to do so u hope you guys like it, thanks so much for reading it means a lot to me☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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