Chapter 2

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Maritza's pov

As I quickly headed to my daughter's school, I was sad that my baby girl was growing up so fast. It felt like just yesterday I was changing her diapers and breastfeeding her.


"Yeah baby. What's wrong?" I replied.

"Can you higher up the radio! Our song is playing!" Juliana says in a pleading voice.

"Of course baby!" I say as I higher up the volume of the radio, and hear 'bad blood' by Taylor swift blasting through the speakers.

"Now we got bad blood!" Julia sings along, and I join her. "You know, it used to be mad love!"

As the song came to an end, I pulled up to the parking lot of my daughters primary school. I opened up my door to my all black Range Rover, which I was very fortunate to keep after I got a divorce to my daughter's father, after he walked out on us. I walked to the back seat of my car and opened the door for Juliana, and unbuckled her from her booster seat and lifted her down to the ground. I looked at the time on my watch and saw that we were 15 minutes late.

"Come on Julia, we are running a little late." I say as I grab her little hand in mine and look both ways before crossing the street and into the gates of the school.

"Is my teacher going to be mad that we are late?" She asks with a little pout on her face.

"No baby, I don't think so. You should wake up earlier so we aren't late again." I tell her.

"Ok mama, I'll try to!"

I pull her closer to me so that my arm was draped around her shoulders and her arm was wrapped just below my lower back. We came to a stop in front of a colorful decorated door that had little paper hand prints on it and had welcome to room number one plastered right in the middle.

"I'm nervous." Juliana says right before I reach out to open the door.

"Hey." I say as I kneel down on one knee and take both of her smaller hands into my much larger ones. "There's nothing to be nervous about, you are going to be just fine. You are going to meet a lot of new friends and get to play on the jungle gym." I reassure her.

"But I won't get to see you." She says as her voice cracks.

"Awe baby, I'm always with you even when I'm not. Remember the matching necklace I got for me and you?"

"Yeah." She says as she pulls them out from her shirt.

"As long as you have yours and I have mine we will always be with each other. Okay?"

"Ok momma." She wraps her little arms around my shoulders and hugs me, which I of course hug her back.

"I love you."

"I love you to mom."

"Now, come on." I say as I stand up and take her hand in mine and twist the knob to the door and was prepared to see little heads turn my way but was surprised by the way the class was to focused on coloring in between the lines instead of outside of them and not even bothering to see who just walked in.

"I'll be right with you!" I hear my daughter's teacher call out. I looked to where the voice called out and saw a tall women who had a tremendous backside. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I was trying to counsel one of the students who was having some separation problems." She says as she walks my way.

"No worries." I say with a smile, "I'm sorry about being late, this one." I gesture to my daughter. "Said she was tired and didn't want to come to school. I had to basically pry her off her bed."

"No worries." She laughs. "I've been teaching for about four years and I have heard worse things kids have done to try to get out of school."

"Care to enlighten me?" I say as I laugh.

"I wish I could but I better get back to my class, speaking of which." She leans down and looks my daughter in the eyes and gives her a bright smile. "Hi, I'm Miss Gonzales, your teacher. I'm guessing you're Juliana."

"Yeah." She nodded.

"There's some coloring pages on the back table there and some crayons. You can go and choose which one you want and choose wherever you want to sit."

"Ok." She nods and takes off to go choose from the many pages.

"If she gives you any trouble, don't hesitate to call me."

"I'm pretty sure she won't, but don't worry if she does then I'll give you a call."

"I should get going or else I'm going to be late for work."

"And I should get back to my class."

We both smiled at each other and I turned around to leave.

"Wait!" She calls out.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I never got your name."

"Maritza." I say as I smile at her and she smiles back. "I never got your name either."


"A beautiful full name for a beautiful girl."

"Thanks." She says as she fiddles with her hands and a blush appears on her cheeks. "Same goes for you."

I grin at her and leave.

Chapter 2! Let me know what you guys think!! Sorry it took me so long to update! Love you guys! ❤️💋

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