Prologue- The Fifth Masterpiece

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                                                    December 1st 2012

                                                       Salem, Montana


It was remarkably cold the night she gathered the model for her 5th masterpiece. She was freezing, but it did not concern her. The thought of her next masterpiece lit a fire inside her that could unthaw the thickest of glaciers. As she trudged through the snow she pictured in her mind the finished masterpiece. It would be a magnificent beauty like those only seen in stories of beings that lived long ago. She had always wished she could live in those types of stories. She wanted to show those magnificent beings her masterpieces. Surely they would understand the purity of her work. She quickly glanced behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed. No one in her time could appreciate her work. After she was sure she was alone, she turned around and continued on her way. She noticed then how perfect this night was. The snow was flocking down gracefully as if they were tiny feathers. She knew of course that they had come to see her in action. She did not blame them for this because she herself would relish the oppurtunity to see a masterpiece come to life, but she held no contempt in smashing the ones that had already touched the ground. Surely they understood the risk that came in viewing work as beautiful as this. She had been watching her model for almost two weeks now. For she understood that good art takes time. She had to know every little minute detail about her model. She had to know the model's patterns, curves, and flaws. Failing to know everything about a model could jeopardize it's purity. How could she possibly fix its flaws if she didn't know what they were? A flawed masterpiece is not a masterpiece at all. It is worthless. She felt it was her duty to save her models from their worthlessness. The law of this time didn't understand her intentions. She believed that they enjoyed being worthless. It was not her fault that they were misguided in their pursuit for her. She would purify them, but there were so many of them that even a gifted artist such as herself was unprepared to take on that daunting task, but she was positive that they would soon turn around and begin to see the importance of her work. She  could now see her model. It was approaching its car. She ducked down and slowly started to creep to it. She knew that models were like birds. It took the slightest of noises to arouse their attention, and when it did notice her she knew that, like a bird, it would be unable to comprehend her good intentions and fly away in fear. As she got closer she noticed even more about her target. She saw curves, and flaws that she was unable to see before. She began to shutter in anticipation, but she was unsure if it was due to her new discoveries, or the cold night. She assumed it was probably both. Finally she was right behind her model. She was almost unable to hold in her ecstacy as she stood up straight. The model was opening the door when it turned around to look at her. She then grabbed the model's head and bashed it throught the car door window. She was so happy. The blood of her model had gracefully offered its services to her by covering her in its toasty warmth. She then grabbed her model, and began its path to perfection.

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