Issei after being belittled by his friends in the occult research club Issei snapped at them for being hypocrite then ran from the club and went to his dead family's old home in the city of takamiya in there Issei will remember his forgetting past...
"cheers". Cups being clapped together as some of the students of class D in Issei room why in Issei room well they invited themselves here unannounced Issei really didn't want his room to be a meeting place but he just sighed Himari who sit next to horikita wearing school clothes just sit there drink green tea trying not mind them but it's bearly helping.
"What with the discourage face man". "I'm not complaining we are here in a small summit and I'm glad I'm one of them but why should it be my room".
"Man it was a close call if not for kushida didn't give us those test questions ikie and sudo would been long gone ". And that they ignore Issei question why do even bother. "Hey you bearly get a minimum score". "Well i didn't have my act ready". "Hey Issei". "Yeah". "How did you make them to take back sudo explosion". Now all have there eyes on Issei waiting for him to answer well since they ask why not make a small simplest lie.
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"Why of course you want all to know". They all nod. "Well you all need to thank horikita I don't how but she have way with words and she advocate for sudo is needed and other students they have the potential to grow and you have to see the look at there faces it was priceless". Said Issei make horikita want to retort but the damage was done. "Wow who will taught you will do this horikita". "I'm surprised it comes from you". "Why would she do this for me". "Don't make it twisted I only did things for my only benefit nothing else". Horikita want to diverse the topic she looked at Issei meaning he will pay and Issei turning his face wishile like an innocent Himari was holding her laughter her master new how to play games.
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But Issei see kushida was silent her hair hiding her eyes he wander what the problem but he keep his guard up.
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