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*The Wheel Of Fortune, reversed.*
*No. Not today.* Alice shuffles again, determined to see something to lighten her mood a bit. Carefully, she lays out a new spread, and it goes pretty well. *The Magician*. Finally. What she has been hoping for. *Creation, strength, clarity*. *That's not too bad,* she thinks.
Ever since her grandmother died, she feels lighter. As if a burden has been lifted together with her grandmothers struggle. Maybe she shouldn't feel this way; should mourn her death. But no matter how hard she tries, she can't bring herself to. She is usually one to follow the rules. Whenever she divines something, Alice uses the little instruction book she bought. She couldn't bring herself to try without. It's her guide. The only book whose rules she'll ever follow. Except this once.
Content, she places her deck back on its silver platter. Searching for her keys, she looks down and sees something growing beneath her. Without having to look for long, clarity floods her. *Moss. How is this possible,* she asks herself, though the answer isn't far. It was her. The magician, The High Priestess. The divine Gods have chosen *her*. After a few more seconds of staring at the things *she* has created, she grabs her keys and opens the door.
With her newfound strength, she manages to sleep in peacefully. Unlike her dreams which grow darker by the second. Perhaps it's her hidden guilt for defying the rules, maybe she simply has a bad night. She doesn't put much mind to it.

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