Me:Ok we have a dare and a question.
Foxy:What's the dare lass?
Me:Pitch_black13x dared:i dare Foxy and Freddy to fight to the death with no weapons.(Foxy's hook counts as a weapon).
Freddy:And what's the question?
Me:This is a question for Freddy.
Me:Which animatronic do you hate,and which one do you like the most?
Freddy:The animatronic that i hate the most would be Golden Freddy,and the animatronic that i like the most would be Chica.
Me:Ok now it's time for you two to fight to the death with no weapons.*points to Foxy and Freddy*
Foxy and Freddy:*sigh*Ok.Let's do this
Me:I'm gonna need some popcorn for this*gets popcorn*
Chica:Can i have some popcorn too?
Bonnie:This will be interesting
Me,Chica,Bonnie,GF:*watches Foxy and Freddy's fight*
1 hour later
Me:Well that was interesting
Bonnie:That was AWESOME!
GF:I don't know,i didn't see anything because i HAVE NO EYES!!!*pouts*
Me:*uses magic to give GF eyes*You're welcome
GF:Thank you!!!*hugs me*
Me:Ok ok!enough!*pushes GF off*
GF: :(
Me:Well Foxy,Freddy,how was the fight?
Foxy:Freddy is pretty strong if ye ask me lass
Freddy:*Does brittish accent*Thank you Foxy.You are quite strong as well
Me:What's with the brittish accent?
Freddy:I don't know
Me:Well that does it for this chapter
Chica:Don't forget to comment down below what you want us to do or answer!
Bonnie:Don't forget to vote as well!
Chica:Don't you think you're being a bit pushy?
Bonnie:Nope! >:)
Me,Chica,Foxy,Freddy,GF:*is not amused*
Bonnie:*laughs nervously**start's running*
Chica,Foxy,Freddy,GF:*is chasing Bonnie*
Me:Bye guys and Ace out!