Unhealthy (ianthony)

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A/N: Ok so this is kind of an issue I'm having with a guy and I managed to translate into an Ianthony! This one is really personal for me and I hope you guys like it! The story is told from Ian's POV

I see you everyday. And everyday, you take my breath away. I hear your voice as it travels from my ear drums down to the very center of my heart. Every little word that comes out of your mouth is stored in to my brain for future analysis and simply just to remember the sound of your voice. You know I love you. I tell you everyday. Love isn't meant to be hidden like so many people seem to think. I would scream it from the rooftops. People think that love is always shared, and I'd like to think that they're right, but they're not. In our situation it couldn't be farther from the truth. You keep me awake at night. Many times I will cry myself asleep because you're not here. I go out of my way to make sure I get to see and speak to you. Many times, I'm late to appointments or meetings, just so I can spend a little more time with you. I care so much. When you're sick, I check on you rather frequently and ask if there's anything I can do. When you're upset, I ask what's wrong. You never tell me but still, I try. You drop little hints here and there during our long talks and I'm able to piece together the puzzle to find out the problem. But who will check on me when I'm sick? Who will ask me what's wrong when I cry? You're my best friend. Always have been, and always will be. Nothing can ever change that. But I also love you. I guess in a way you love me too, but not the way I want you to. I don't want it to be a forced love. I want it to happen on it's own. You are my life, my universe, my everything. I stress when you stress. I cry when you cry. I love you. I always have, I always will. But you don't love me. You cause me to lose sleep and I'm stressed all the time. But I guess we all want what's unhealthy for us.

A/N: I know this is extremely short but I needed to get this off my chest. I don't even know if you guys will like this but you know, whatever. Thanks so much for reading! Votes, comments, and followers are always appreciated. Love you all!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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