After the kiss, which left their lips sticky, Mike was thinking about what to do, since he was with a woman who had been in prison, but he had feelings for her, which was not superficial, but rather romantic, although he, at the same time, being in his underwear, he was ashamed, and he felt humiliated
- What happened Mike? Do you feel humiliated? I don't want you to feel like that, I feel like you're a little excited.
*He was starting to have an erection, he was embarrassed*
- Please don't do this to me!!!
- Don't worry, you just enjoy* Addison began to kiss his pecs, then she started kissing them *
- My nipples hurt
- Mmm, too bad, do you want me to kiss them?
- Okay...
*Starts kissing them*
*The white liquid coming out of Michael's blue boxers was beginning to embarrass him*
- I want to kiss you...*Addison lunged at him, started kissing them desperately*