"A Good or Bad Interesting?"

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Hey fam! (That's my new nickname for y'all cuz....5sos fam lol) Anyways like 400 words of my last chapter deleted...(-.- damn you wattpad) so I'm sorry for how short it was cuz i didn't realize it until now. I'll make this one extra long though! Ily all~ Gem



Luke shakes his head at me, completely unfazed at the fact that some chick just walked into our room and continues his lecture. "Dude, I can't believe you're so blind as in to how she's changing you! You're not a better man with her...you're better without her but if you can't see what a bìtch she is then this might be over."

I nervously lick my dry, chapped lips as I process what Luke had just said.

"Don't....don't call her that!" I feel my voice raise as I point an accusing finger at Luke warningly.

"I only say what it the truth Ashton!" Luke states with a nonchalant expression as he folds his arms behind his head.

Seeing how nonchalant he is only makes me more pissed off as I clench my fists to keep from screaming at him.
"You know what---" I start off, slightly thinking over my words. "Fine! Try working this out without a drummer! I yell furiously as I throw some of my stuff into a bag.

'This is all a bunch of bs....'

"Good! We don't need you anyways!" Luke snaps at me, his words laced with venom. "We'll find someone else who's better than you!"

That hurt. Badly. These boys have been with me forever. We're supposed to be inseparableand irreplaceable, or so I thought...

"Fine!" I yell back as I grab some of my things and place them in my backpack.


Sighs quietly as he mentally facepalms.

'Luke shouldn't have said that, he knows how defensive Ashton gets about Bryana..."

Texts Calum- thanks bro, dont forget meeee.


"So what room number are you looking for?" Calum asks as he busily types away on his phone texting someone -who I assume- is Michael from the brightly-colored hair in the contact picture. He's texting him something about making an excuse so he could come outside.

I find it kind've funny that Calum doesn't remember me. I wasn't exactly the nicest to him or any of the other boys. Especially from the prank Luke and Calum had pulled on me. Although that prank went totally wrong thanks to clumsy-àss Luke, I don't exactly regret it...

I finally snap back to reality when I hear Calum's question and begin to speak up, taking the small piece of paper the receptionist handed me out of my pocket.
"Um I'm not exactly sure..?" I start off as I examine the paper after glancing up at Calum. "The lady said 210 though..."

"Let me see." Calum asks as I place the paper in his hand.


Recieves a text from Cal:

C- of course dude, wait why dont u come out here and help me help this chic find her room?

M- Okay thanks. I owe u one bro...

I stand up and clear my throat as both Ashton and Luke's eyes land on me.
"I...uh gotta help Cal help this chic find her room..." I murmur, pointing at the door as I head towards it and walk out. As soon as I'm out of the tension-filled room, I let out a sigh of relief.

"All hell broke loose in there..." I announce to Calum as I point at the door behind me with my thumb.

"Oh what the hell happened? I'm gone for two minutes..." Calum sighs softly, before turning his attention back to the brunette girl. "Well, let's go find your room so those two can calm down..." Calum turns back to me, showing me the slip of paper the girl had handed him. "Anyways Mikey, the room we're looking for is supposedly 210."

Before I can even answer, a rather pissed-off-looking Ashton storms out of our room, followed by a door slamming loudly. The farmilliar-looking brunette stares wide-eyed at Ashton as he walks passed us.

I clear my throat awkwardly as I begin to speak. "Room 210?" I ask and recieve a nod from the brunette.

"Yeah, that's what the lady told me. Um..sorry about what's going on with Ashton.." The girl replies, looking at us sympathetically.

'Shìt, she noticed. Well, of course she did. Ash couldn't make it any more obvious than he already did...'

I rub the back if my neck awkwardly as I reply. "Oh don't worry about it..." I murmur quietly before changing the subject. "Now, let's see...isn't that our room number?" I question curiously, raising an eyebrow at Calum. "Maybe the lady messed up with the numbers...?"

I glance curiously at the brunette before slightly remembering her from somewhere.

'Isn't she that singer-songwriter chick from our first tour...?'

"Yeah." Calum murmurs in reply to my last question as he puts his hands in his pockets. "Let's go check with the lady then 'cause I'm pretty sure a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be bunking with guys." Calum adds in, sending the brunette a cheeky wink causing a small, pink blush to appear on her cheeks.


I grab a pillow and scream into to let out my anger.

'We don't need Ashton and that bìtch...I hate the new him. How come we hadn't seen it sooner?!'

I sigh and lean my head back against the sofa in an attempt to cool down.

'I can only hope that one day Ash will realize what she's doing to him..'

I notice the stupid magazine on the table and pick it up before throwing into our trash can.


As soon as I turn the corner, I throw my bag down. I immediately take a swing at the wall, my fist connecting with the wall. You may be asking why the hell I'm doing this, right? Well, I, Ashton Irwin need fùcking Anger Management that's why. I don't exactly cope well with anger and, eventually, I have to take my anger out on something. I wince when I feel the impact of the wall and pull my hand back shaking it out a bit.

"Aw shìt, that bloody hurt!" I grimace in pain, shaking out my hand as if that'll help subdue the pain. I sit back against the wall, sitting on the ground as today's events replay in my head.

'They'll understand, one day, they will.'


I blush faintly at Calum's comment and try desperately to cover it up. Obviously, Calum hasn't changed a bit since the last time I've seen him. He still acts the same, although he isn't the same, scrawny 14 year-old I once knew. He was now more muscular and his hair was slightly quiffed, making him look more handsome than before.

I speak up, making sure not to sound quiet like before. "Yeah, let's go." I state, beginning to walk after catching a glimpse of Mikey rolling his eyes at Calum, probably due to his last comment.


I roll my eyes at Calum as we begin to walk.

'Smooth move Cal, smooth move.'

In return Calum shrugs, sending a me a wide grin. I grin back, shaking my head at him as I try my best not to laugh.

'Calum will be Calum...'

"Sooooo...how's the tour been for you boys?" The short brunette asks as she walks slightly ahead.

Calum replies first to her casual question. "It's been interesting, that's for sure." He smiles vaguely after answering.

"A good interesting or a bad interesting?" She asks as she looks back at us with a faint smile.


Tada! So how do you like this so far? I can't tell if it's good or not so it'd be great to hear feedback from you guys :)~ Gem

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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