Here are some that span various domains and skill levels:
Beginner Projects
Personal Cloud Storage: Design a straightforward application to store files using AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage to upload and receive files.
Web Hosting: Develop a personal website or a blog and then, upload it to the Cloud on Amazon AWS EC or Google CW CE or, possibly, MS Azure Web Apps.
Todo List Application: Design an interactive web application for the purpose of creating a todo list, this application will use firebase cloud as its database for real time update.
Intermediate Projects
Chat Application: Using WebSocket API of your choice, build a web chat application of your choice and deploy it anywhere on any though using Firebase or AWS Amplify as a backend.
Data Visualization Dashboard: It is necessary to create a dashboard that is going to take the data from the several APIs during the process and show the information on the internet using some tools such as Tableau or D3.js.
Machine Learning Model Deployment: Build and enhance a simple machine mastering model, such as image categorization, and deploy it on REST API using AWS Google AI Platform.

Cloud Computing Projects Ideas
ChickLitHere are some cloud computing project ideas that span various domains and skill levels: Beginner Projects Personal Cloud Storage: Design a straightforward application to store files using AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage to upload and receive files. W...