Chapter 3

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"How was the first day of school hunnie?" Asks my mom.

"It was pretty good.." I reply still thinking about Liam's hands.

"That's good dear, did you make any friends? Any boys?" She asks as she jokingly shoves me.

"Yeah I guess I did. Oh um, do you know anyone from here?" I ask.

"No one. How come?" She says with a worried expression.

"My Math teacher told me to say hi to you for her as if she knew you?" I say while playing with the crumbs on the counter.

"Oh..that's good?" She says while leaving the room with a confused frown.

I mumble to myself and than head up to my room. When I get into my room I jump on my bed, spread out and sigh. A couple hours later my dad walks in.

"Hey pumpkin." He says as he walks through the door. I turn off my TV and toss my remote on my chair and collect my binders.

"Hey dad, how was work?" I say sitting up.

"Good, met a lot of nice people. This town has a lot going on." He takes off his hat and sits on the end of my bed.

I yawn and just nod.

"You should get some sleep it's pretty late." My dad says.

I glance at my clock as it flashes 10:53.

"You're probably right. Night dad." I say as I get under my covers.

He leans in and kisses me on the forehead.

"Night sweetheart." He turns off my light and closes the door.

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