chapter 6...

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"I'm here to bring you both to your DEATH." monbey said.

Tom looks at Sheldon. (Young Sheldon)
"Oh no...😨" Said the young Sheldon and Tim in unison.

Money turns to look at Tim, and turns intensely flushed at Tim's gase. He was speechless. He knew tim was smart and that was already a turn on but wow, his eyes... His eyes...

"Are you fina kill us" the young Sheldon Said.
"Sheldon, I need a moment with Tim. Leave to the other room."
The young Sheldon leaves the roomz in utter confusion... Worried for Tim, because he also thought he was to cute to be true.

"What is it money.." Tim asked mindbogolrd
What was going on, Tim couldnt unfortunately understand... But he did think the robot in front of him was pretty kawaii...

"I command you to show me your Irish" mobey dimaned...

Tim was confused by that.. "w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what... *Studders sexyly...*
My Irish?"
"Yh your eyes are pretty"....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03 ⏰

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