Bandages and Angry Ghosts

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Monk carried me into the base, and James brought in a medical kit. "If you keep getting hurt like that your not going to able to fight after the jobs done," James pointed out as he handed Ayako the medical kit. "Whatever. Right now we need to focus on what ever the hell that thing was," I say, changing the topic quickly. James caught on and dropped the subject.

"Your right. Right now we need to focus on the case. I did research into the past of this house and there was only one previous owner before you, James," Naru said, swinging around in his chair and continuing to type while talking. "Who was it?" Ayako asks. "Louis Nodam. He's not deceased, he just moved, so that rules out past people that lived here." My eyes widened at the name, and I backed away from Ayako who was fixing my forehead at the time. James choked on the water he was drinking. "Oh crap," James spit through his coughing. "Do you think...?" I trailed off, looking at James. "No, that's impossible, right?" he shakes his head. "Don't ask me! How the hell should I know?" I spit, angry.

"What are you two talking about?" Naru asks. I run a hand through my hair. "Louis Nodam was an evil man. Our old teams had to work together to kill the bastard," as I said this, mouths dropped. "We thought we were actually able to do it. Though, if he's still registered as alive, I guess he is," I sighed, and let a shocked Ayako finish bandaging my forehead. "Damn, I actually thought we stopped him. Bastard..." James trailed off. "What exactly did this person do?" Naru asks, his attention now fully on me and James, as James had came and sat down on the couch next to me.

"I wouldn't classify him as any more than less than human. He raped and murdered male children and teens. It was awful," James says, his fists clenching. "Both of our teams hated him--we still hate him. Damn it! I knew I should have snapped his neck when I had the chance," I say, slamming my foot backwards into the couch I was sitting on. "Hey. If you had Tanya would have been killed. You know that. Don't blame yourself for something like that," James says to me, making everyone else even more confused. He turns back to everyone. "I guess he's still alive, but he's not what were worried about. I'll call in my Team to find him later. Right now I'd like the spirit haunting my house to be gone," he says, getting everyone back to their original train of thought.

"Well, actually, he killed people in his house, which means he killed people here. It could be them. We should call in John and Masako. Masako will be able to tell if its his victims spirits," I explain to Naru. "Well, that is a possibility. Though, spirits tend to call out to certain people, or they will ask for an object. Do you know anything or anyone that they will ask for?" Naru asks. I could see the hidden meaning behind his words. I look at James, silently asking if it's okay for me to say anything. He looks at me then narrows his eyes at Naru. Then, he nods his head. "If they were to ask or cry out for a person, it would be either me...... or Damen."

Heeeeeeeey!!!!! Sorry I'm so late updating. Whats it been, like a year? I'm really sorry and I'm going to go back to regularly updating this story. Thanks for the support! Sorry about the cliff hanger ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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