"Hey! look at this", a 6-year-old, Akira Kurobane shouted bouncing a ball on her legs to impress her fellow classmates recess was going to end soon so she had to impress her friends some how.
"come on we already saw you do that before" her friend exclaimed, in a boredom. one of friends looked over the woods that stood on the outskirts of the playground but it was blocked off by a chain link fence so the kids wouldn't venture into the woods to get lost or snatched.
and then her friend got the must regretting idea of her life, "i dare you to climb over the fence" she said, "What? No!" she shouted, stopped bouncing the ball "your just a scared cat, aren't you" I am NOT!" she yelled back
"then do it" her friend, persisted and finally getting what she wanted with Akira finally agreeing.
the fence was tall and high the children looked each other and around seeing the teachers to busy watching over the kids, this was akira chance.
akira ascended the fence foot other foot and hand after hand until the other side. once on the ground she looked into the dark forest blocking anything by trees.
"Go, before the teachers see us" again they persisted, and with that akira walked closer the darkness of the forest.
"Okay! im close enough" she looked at her friends who looked afraid and unable to speak only pointing at her but no it was passed as a hand merged from the woods.
before akira could do, or saying anything she was snatched into the forest, wverything happened so fast, her ears rang in her panic as her friends screamed and shouted.
and her being put in a bag as darkness came to her as she fainted.