9. Corporate Clutter

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Evangeline Vittori adjusted the straps of her black dress, afraid the backless nature of the garment would not old up with a lot of movement.  Fighting a sigh as she scanned the sleek, crowded room. Monster Energy banners were draped everywhere in the posh event hall, reminding her yet again why she was here. This wasn't the kind of place she'd usually find herself willingly: corporate, polished to an inch of its life, filled with executives who cared more about revenue charts than anything on a court. But Clara had insisted she attend. "A great opportunity for exposure," her manager had repeated all week. The word "exposure" had begun to grate on her, as had the weight of keeping her reputation carefully curated for others. She simply wanted to be at home, practising to compete in the one sport she loved.

"Come on, it'll be good," Clara had nudged as they walked in. "Maybe even fun."

Evangeline smiled politely as a few cameras flashed her way, already knowing her own version of tonight's 'fun' involved slipping out the door as soon as was polite. She picked up a champagne flute from a tray passing by, more as a prop than anything. She'd been briefed on who to meet, where to stand, and which executives would be eager to have a chat with her, none of whom she felt particularly excited to see. If anything, she was here as a face, not a personality, and the thought left her a little colder than usual.

"Ms. Vittori, pleasure to meet you!" A middle-aged man with a practiced smile approached, extending a hand. She recognized him from a few ad campaigns and made the polite choice to accept his greeting, slipping seamlessly into conversation. This was all routine, and if anything, it was these exact events that made her crave more time on the court, where words didn't matter as much.

Meanwhile, across the room, Lando Norris scanned the crowd with a similar sense of detachment, trying to blend in despite standing out. Monaco had been peaceful, relaxing even, and the last thing he'd wanted was to jump right back into an event the moment he touched down in London. But the promise of a new season and the pressure to keep building his personal brand were enough to persuade him to show face. His team had been on him for weeks about being more present, "reaffirming his connection" with the Monster brand and its key players. Lando had tried to slip in without drawing much attention but, as he knew too well, it wasn't always that easy.

He shifted uncomfortably as a pair of fans spotted him, whispering and snapping a discreet photo. Lando offered them a friendly nod, though inwardly he felt drained. He wasn't the rookie anymore, and the constant attention—fans, sponsors, media—was something he was only now getting used to handling with a smile that looked natural.

"Here we go," he muttered to himself, straightening up as a Monster rep ushered him over to a group of sponsors. It was time to do his part.

The evening dragged on in a blur of polite conversation and perfunctory handshakes. Lando glanced toward the door several times, estimating the best point to make his escape. But his eyes were drawn to a tall, poised figure across the room. She was chatting with a sponsor he recognized, though the sponsor himself barely registered. Lando squinted, almost amused by the coincidence, recognizing Evangeline Vittori standing effortlessly as a small group surrounded her. He had never seen her in such an environment, the sleek, rich nature of her outfit somewhat matching her persona. Her black hair lay lose around her shoulders complimenting the backless nature of the dress she wore. Lando could admit that she was quite beautiful, in a way he didn't normally appreciate. Her calm expression and the air of confidence with which she handled everyone struck him. He hadn't expected to see her again so soon, and from the look on her face, it seemed she hadn't expected to see him either.

Evangeline glanced around to find Clara, but in doing so, her gaze met his across the room. A flicker of surprise passed over her face, but she quickly hid it, covering with a polite smile. Lando tilted his head slightly in acknowledgement, a half-smirk appearing on his face.

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