41 | A Familar Face

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Everyone in 3-E sat in class as they waited silently for their octopus teacher. As they sat down, they thought about what their old classmate told them.

It was true that Chiharu lived in a completely different world from her. They were aware of how different she thought of the assassination. Most of them were just in it for the money, she was just doing it because it's her job. She has killed countless of humans since she was a child. She has seen so much more than they could ever see.

They slumped in their seats, wondering if they should have done something else. Chiharu has been with them for months. They have been aware of her being an actual assassin ever since she revealed herself.

"I'm coming in!" A somewhat familiar voice exclaimed and the door slammed open. A girl with long greenish grey hair tied up in a pony tail and red eyes walked in. She wore a black shirt and shorts. She looked too alike to their missing classmate.

"Chiharu? Is that you?" Isogai asked warily.

"Hmm? So Haru-nee is here, glad I went to the right school then. Still what's up with this place, it's so run down," the girl sighed.

"If you aren't Haru-Haru, you must be her sister," Karma said. "I see that you are awake. Chihari-chan." The class gasped in shock. The were in the presence of another assassin just as great as Chiharu.

"Hmm? Someone here knows me? I guess my sister talked about me. That's surprising," Chihari chuckled. She tilted her head at Karma. "You look familiar... When did I see you before...?" Then she shouted in realization, "You are from that ball we went to kill that drug dealing rat five years ago! You and Haru-nee might have forgotten, but my memory is superb. I remember your red hair and golden eyes and that you are Haru-nee fate." She smirked.

"You really are a lot different from your sister," Karma laughed and Chihari thanked him with a smile.

"Uh... Karma-kun... What are you doing?" Nagisa asked with a sweat rolling down his forehead. He will never understand how Karma is so confident with himself talks so freely without a single worry.

"I'm talking to my future sister in law obviously," Karma replied.

"Future sister in law?" Chihari asked and started laughing. "That would be great if you weren't my sister's target." Everyone stared at her in shock, but then she laughed and said, "Just kidding~"

For a split second, she disappeared and appeared next to Karma leading to a couple gasps and shocked expressions. "You are both our targets." She threw a strong punch at Karma's face that even he was unable to stop. He flew out of his seat onto the wall behind him. A strip of blow flowing down from his nose. He rubbed his face gingerly, amazed at the strength that Chihari held.

"You aren't dead?" Chihari sighed. "No wonder my sister has also yet to kill you. Interesting..." She licked her lips and smiled. "I guess this is not going to work... Do you guys know where my sister is?"

The students of 3-E stared at the girl in shock. She was fast, almost as fast as Koro-sensei. If she was going to kill them, they would probably be all dead in seconds. Chihari sighed at the silence the class gave her. In her eyes, they all looked pretty weak, the strongest guy would have been that red head since he was still awake after a punch like that. Normally, it'd take them out.

"Nurufufufu, I see that the other half of the Chi Sister is here," Koro-sensei shot through the window and stood behind Chihari. He patted her head then fixing Karma up at Mach 20.

"Hmm? You must be Koro-sensei! Nice to finally meet you!" Chihari exclaimed excitedly. "Unfortunately, I am not interested in killing you if Haru-nee does not bother to."

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