Chapter 7: Relaxing At The Shrine Part 1

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Your P.O.V
It has been a hard day since Tomoe has joined our class, though Nanami on the other hand seems to be having wonderful day! When the school day was over me, Tomoe, and Nanami all walked together to the shrine and when we got there I changed to saggy clothes to get comfy and I got a blanket and a pillow and cuddled. As Tomoe made our food I fell asleep... And when I woke up Tomoe was next to me watching tv and rubbing my head.
"Tomoe? I thought you were makng food?"
"I was but you fell asleep and your food got cold so I decided to be here with you... You were really cute.." He slightly blushes
Tomoe's P.O.V
I can't believe I just said that! I can tell (Y/N) noticed me blushing because she looked at me and smiles. She cuddles with me and I blush...  She really is cute... Wait. Why did I just say that?!?! What am I thinking?! She falls asleep slowly in my arms... How adorable.. I check on Nanami which she is just doing homework.. And then that's all I remember... I woke up noticing I fell asleep and I was in someone's bed... All the lights were off, I look around and see (Y/N) and I notice I'm in Nanami's and (Y/N) room?! I go back to sleep...
Your P.O.V
I feel Tomoe waking up which woke me and I stare at him which he does not notice, and he falls right back to sleep, and than I did.
~Magical Skip To Morning :D
I wake up and see Nanami sleeping, no Tomoe. I get up and go to the kitchen where I see Onikiri, Kotetsu, and Tomoe. I sit down on the table.
"So Tomoe, can we go to the beach today since we are on vacation?" I say with a smile.
"We need to ask Nanami for permission first." He says.
I sigh, personally myself, is exhausted but I want to have fun..! Tomoe puts my plate and tea on the table and I start eating... Mmm, delicious as always! I get up out the dishes and cup in the sink and was them and when I am done I change and sit on the couch and get on my phone and see 3 messages.. Stacy.
'Hey can I come to your house today?'
'Can we go somewhere?'
I text her back.
'We are going to the beach so I don't know if you want to come...'
She immadentialy answers..
'OF COURSE GURL?! What time?!'
"Uhhh later in like 3 hours?...'
'Ok!! I'll get ready!"
Thanks so much for reading guys!! ❤️❤️ I love you so much my Kawaii Kats!!

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