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“The Pampered Royal.”

That sounded like Draco Malfoy.

“These people were the classic spoiled children. All of their wants and desires were met by an adoring parents – endless entertainments, a parade of toys, whatever kept them happy for a day or two. Where many children learn to entertain themselves, inventing games and finding friends, Pampered Royals are taught that others will do the entertaining for them. Being spoiled, they get lazy, and as they get older and the parent is no longer there to pamper them, they tend to feel quite bored and restless. Their solution is to find pleasure in variety, to move quickly from person to person, job to job, or place to place before boredom sets in. They do not settle into relationships well because habit and routine of some kind are inevitable in such affairs. But their ceaseless search for variety it tiring for them and comes with a price: work problems, strings of unsatisfying romances, friends scattered across the globe. Do not mistake their restlessness and infidelity for reality – what the Pampered Prince or Princess is really looking for is one person, that parental figure, who will give them the spoiling they crave.”

Somehow Hermione doubted that was exactly what he needed. Draco didn’t seem like the type that had been spoiled endlessly by his parents; Hermione had seen, and met, Lucius Malfoy and there was no way anyone could suspect him of being an adoring father. And Narcissa... Well she didn’t really know too much about the woman, except that Draco looked very much like her. It was true, at least to what she had observed over the years, that he <i>did</i> constantly change girls and always seemed to be looking for new ways to entertain himself. It was also true that he expected others to keep him happy.

“To seduce this type, be ready to provide a lot of distraction – new places to visit, novel experiences, color, spectacle. You will have to maintain an air of mystery, continually surprising your target with a new side to your character. Variety is the key. Once Pampered Royals are hooked, things get easier for they will quickly grow dependent on you and you can put out less effort. Unless their childhood pampering has made them too difficult and lazy, these types make excellent victims – they will be as loyal to you as they once were to mommy or daddy. But you will have to do much of the work. If you are after a long relationship, disguise it. Offer long-term security to a Pampered Royal and you will induce a panicked flight. Recognize these types by the turmoil in their past – job changes, travel, short-term relationships – and by the air of aristocracy, no matter their social class, that comes from once being treated like royalty.”

Well that seemed very much like him... But then again, she had been flipping back and forth between that and The Roué.

“Buried in that book again?”

Hermione looked up and smiled briefly as Draco walked through the portrait hole. She had left the library after her small chat withTylerand had been buried in the other types since coming back to the Head’s common room. He was carrying a long bag in one hand and a smart looking tux in the other, it took Hermione a moment to realize that said bag was actually a <i>dress</i> bag.

“Oh! Is that...”

He nodded. “I guessed at your size.” She blushed. “But I have an eye for things like this. Why don’t you go try it on and we’ll meet back down here to see how we look.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2011 ⏰

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