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Let's start with Characters and go to love interest

Angel Rose

"CUPHEAD don't scare me like that you dummy" ————————————————————————————————Angie Hope TMNT_Fan101

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"CUPHEAD don't scare me like that you dummy"
Angie Hope

"Awww whys Boris soo adorable who's a good boy" ————————————————————————————————Athena Dove Unknown_Author114

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"Awww whys Boris soo adorable who's a good boy"
Athena Dove

"Awww whys Boris soo adorable who's a good boy" ————————————————————————————————Athena Dove Unknown_Author114

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"I think Bendy's kinda cute"
Lorise Flowers

"I think Bendy's kinda cute" ————————————————————————————————Lorise FlowersZipwardBITCH

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"Can I hold your hand mugman"

"Do you got an inhaler because you took my breathe away"————————————————————————————————

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"Do you got an inhaler because you took my breathe away"


"She's from a different world, why did I fall for her?" ————————————————————————————————Mugman

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"She's from a different world, why did I fall for her?"

"She's from a different world, why did I fall for her?" ————————————————————————————————Mugman

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"He's right, he's the genius one"
Felix the cat

"Let's get going gang we have an Ink machine to find" ————————————————————————————————Boris:

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"Let's get going gang we have an Ink machine to find"

"Let's get going gang we have an Ink machine to find" ————————————————————————————————Boris:

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"Angie's eyes are very pretty"

Love interest

Angel Rose: Cuphead

Angie Hope: Boris

Athena dove: Bendy

Lorise flowers: Mugman

Cuphead: Angel

Mugman: Lorise

Bendy: Athena

Boris: Angie

Felix the cat: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit

You guys can pick girls

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