40 3 1

      Mom POV

I woke up to a loud shooting a shooting that I wish I had never heard.Not knowing my son Treydale wasn't home or my man kd wasn't home. I soon start to wonder were could they be 2 hrs later I woke up again to the firetrucks and ambulance and police sirens not knowing I walk out side to see what was up. In front of me I see my son shot dead on the ground. Droping to my knees I start to cry my daughters all standing in the door way to see what was going on . I have four daughters treylin,treyana,trenae,and trey'mona. Them not knowing what's going on I slowle came up off the ground sat them on the couch and told them they brother was dead.
When my kids broke into tears I notice my husband no where to be found than my oldest daughter says " mom I know who killed trey" who I said repeadley . " I can't tell u she says or else hill kill us all " I asked her what she mean then all them broke into tears saying that he rapped them I asked who. Me not thinking I notice my husband still not home then I asked was it kd they all look and nodded a yes.

Treyline POV

My dad tied me up and DUP tape my mouth shut then he took all my clothes of he start touching me then he start licking me I start kicking and tryn fight back then he got off me got a cup of hot water threw it on me and beat me with a switch and told me if I told anybody he will kill that person . I told my brother and he told me hell kill him . After he told that he said he loved me and he lefted and he went to meet my dad somewhere

    Mom POV

Knowing that all my daughters were rapped by this man I loved I still wanted to make him pay my daughter are no younger than 11 but no older than 16 my daughters didn't deserve that I'm going to make him pay for each and every daughter of mine me touched . I said that to my self about 1000 times that night so I decided to txt him and find out were he at.

Conversation on cell phone

Me: were the fuck you at we have things to talk about u nasty ass bitch

Kd:watch yo nasty ass mouth what's up with you calling me that out the blue

Me: I know what u did to my kids and my son u murderer u gone pay for every bit of it u bitch

Kd:ctfu u found out u knew I wanted to fuck your daughters and kill your son sense I first met them.

Me: when u get here pack yo things and go ....

      Kd POV

I told that bitch ass son of hers I wanted his head but the little nigga didn't listen he pushed my buttons that night so I took his head I didn't want to but I had to or else I'll suffer inn a way

      1 week later

         Mom POV
Its been a week sense my son trey died I feel like I'm getting weaker and weaker each day. My husband or was is still not here I've found out he got two of my kids pregnet .the two oldest treylin and treyana my girls are nothing but 16 and 14 yrs old. I don't know wether to get an abortion or to let my girls keep there kid.

   Treana POV

My dad rapped my nine months ago I didn't no I was nine months pregnet till two days ago. When my mom asked for a pregnecy test when they both came back positive I felt my hurt drop. But like I told my mother I will never doubt my baby or regret my baby. But I don't like the fact that I'm pregnet by my own father. That night all this happen I fought and fought to get him off . See what had happen was he came into my room held a gun to my head told me if I didn't have sex with him hill shoot me like he did his other daughter. So I trued to run but he tripped my tied my up but keep my feet untied he took my clothes of do I started kicking and screaming but he put his hand over my mouth and tapped it shut he than took my feet and tied them in the air he than start licking me in my private. So I started crying than he took his ding and put it into me he than start going faster than faster than I got my hands untied and picked my lamped up and hit him in the head with it. Sense that night I been sneaking out with boys and having sex I didn't want to tell but now I thought was the time.

      Treylin POV

I heard my sister scream that night but I thought she was just excited so I didn't bother to check after a while my mom left to work and only I was home cause my sister on the low she jumped out her window and left. So I was left alone with my father then he came into the front room he sat down pointed a gun at me and unzipped his pants and told me to suck his dick . I refused so he shoved my head down there he keep saying suck it I said no so he shot a hole in the wall and said either suck it or IMA blow a hole in your brain so I started licking he start moaning and he pulled me down he took out the switch and told me to fuck him or hell beat me so I started running to my room and locked the door he shoot a hole in the door came in and started hitting me Han he stopped took my pannies off he started sucking on my private I couldn't help it it felt so good I started moaning and so I fucked him for two hours . I sucked his dick and when he stuck his dick in me I started moaning I put him on top of me he fucked me fast and was eating me out I couldn't help it so I fucked him everyday I regret it I want to just die I hate what I did.
Part of me want to claim to the top of the wood me. Tower and jump off head first

         Mom pov
That night my oldest daughter got up and was throwing up than her water broke all my girl woke up and we had rushed her to the hospital were she gave birth to her son ARMANI he was a light skin baby with blue eyes so I question her and asked who was the real father of thus baby she replied in sorry mom I didn't no I aware.Than this light skin nigga walk in with hazle eyes I ask for his name he says I'm the father of that baby and my name royality everoney Cal me royal and my twin brother name is loyality but everyone calk him loyal
I sat down with him and told him tell me everything about him self
His response....
I am the biggest and head of the blue gang I make millions of smaller ever hour and I been with your daughter for 3 years now and that's my baby and I will light to go see him he said with blood red eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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