Get Ya Money

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I woke up feeling like I was in heaven. I was wrapped up in the softest  most comfortable covers ever. It felt like I was wrapped in a cloud or in the arms of a giant teddy bear. F(u)ck the comfortable a(s)s bed. Last Night. Yea can I go back and do that again? August really knows how to put it down. Speaking of where was he. I wiped my eyes until my vision was clear. I heard faint humming. I turned over and August was coming out the bathroom. He must've just got out the shower because his body was moist and he only had on boxers. Good God. His humming turned into singing.
" you got a a(s)s so fat that I can't help but Feel On
And you keep it real when it comes to having s(e)x
Girl you don't ever flex
Long as I f(u)ck you good
You ain't worried bout what's next
That's why I keep you here
You ain't like them other h(o)es
Cause you the f(u)ck(i)ng best
Just in case you didn't know" he sang. He didn't really pay any attention to me and I didn't attract any attention either. I was actually pretending to still be asleep by keeping my eyes low. August walked to his closet and grabbed a shirt and some jeans. He slipped on his jeans and walked to the bed with his shirt in his hands. He looked at me and studied my face to see if I had woken up yet. I accidently blinked and just opened my eyes. A huge smile appeared on his face and I couldn't help but to smile too. He smile was contagious.
"Look who's finally up. Good morning beautiful." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"You act like I was sleep for a long time." I said.
"Uh you kinda were. It's almost 11." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy. He nodded and laughed. I looked at the clock that sat on his desk next to the bed. He was right.
"Oh." was all I could say about that. 
"Yeah." he slipped on his shirt and grabbed his glasses that was next to the clock.
"I be back. I gotta go take care of some business." He said. He leaned in and pecked my lips. I felt my cheeks getting hot. He stood up from the bed and was about to leave when I stopped him.
"You're really leaving me in your house alone?" I asked surprised. He nodded.
"Yea. You ain't gon' f(u)ck up my house are ya?" He asked bluntly. He looked so serious and it scared me a little. I shook my head.
"Aight then." his serious expression disappeared and he smiled before walking out of the room. I waited a few minutes before sitting up. I looked on the floor next to the bed for my clothes but they weren't there. I crawled to the other side of the bed but they weren't there. I raised my eyebrows. He did take my stuff off over here right? I frowned my face and got off the bed and started looking around. I found my clothes nicely folded on the couch by the windows. My purse was sitting right next to them and my shoes were placed under the table. I smiled to myself. He was such a gentleman. I really didn't feel like putting my outfit back on or change into my other one so I settled to just walk around in my underwear and bra. Nobody was home anyways. I decided to revisit some of the rooms he showed me last night and the ones we didn't get to. The last room I went to was the one with the indoor pool with the water slides. I walked to the edge and dipped my foot in. It was warm. It must've been a heated pool. I have to swim in this thing one day.
I found my way to the kitchen which was on the second floor. I found a note on the table with my name on it. I picked up and began to read it. It was basically August saying he made me breakfast and it was in the microwave. It also said he wasn't all that good at cooking so he apologizes for any sickness that I feel after eating it. That part made me laugh. I folded the note and placed it back on the table. I walked to the microwave and took the food out. It was pancakes, sausages, hash browns, and scrambled eggs. How'd he know my favorite breakfast foods? Brynn had to help him out with that. Speaking of where was she, I'm surprised I haven't heard from her yet. I put the food back in the microwave and heated it up. I went to get my phone and came back down to eat. I poured myself some apple juice and sat at the table. I dialed Brynn's number and waited for her to answer.
"Hey!" Brynn d(a)mn near yelled into the phone. I put it on speaker and sat the phone down.
"Morning bestie." I said into the phone.
"Morning. So how was it, you sound like you're on cloud nine right now." she said. I rolled my eyes as if she could see me. I tried so hard to hide my happiness but she knew me too well. I couldn't hide anything from her.
"It was alright." I lied. There was a pause and I knew she had sused the h(e)ll out of me.
"Alright? You liar. I know your a(s)s is glowing right now." she said. I shook my head.
"Stop, you're making my cheeks get hot." I commanded. She laughed.
"Okay okay. Where are you?!" she semi-yelled.
"Still at his house."
"Where is August?"
"He left, he had to do something."
"He left you there by yourself?!" she asked, surprised. I was surprised to.
"Yup. Enough about me where are you?" I said changing the subject. I couldn't talk about August and I anymore or I would explode. I'm pretty sure my cheeks were red from blushing to hard and they were starting to hurt from smiling too much.
"Chris decided to take me to some restaurant." she said.
"That was nice. Where is he?" I asked. I was wondering why she was on the phone with me if they were at a restaurant.
"He's talking to one of his friends." she said.
"Yeah. Hey Ima see you later at work. We can discuss details then. Bye." she said then hung up. Sh(i)t. I forgot about work. I'm scheduled to come in at 1 today. Why didn't I pick a later shift? I checked my phone for the time. It was 5 minutes to 12. I quickly washed the dishes I had made and jogged up to August's room. I took my purse and went in the bathroom. There was a wash and drying towel folded on the sink. Can I seriously marry this guy? He's a life saver. I took a quick shower and got dressed into my work outfit.
I walked out of the bathroom and spotted August on the couch going through tv channels. I wonder how long he been here. I couldn't be in the shower for that long. He didn't acknowledge me but I could tell he knew I was right there. I put my stuff on the opposite end of the couch. I was going to sit next to him but he pulled me onto his lap. He still didn't say anything. He just stared at me which made me feel awkward.
"What?" I finally asked. He shook his head and smiled.
"You're just so beautiful." he complimented. I felt this big idiotic smile form on my face.
"Right. Just like all the other girls huh?" I smirked. He shook his head.
"Nah not like all the other girls with yo smart a(s)s." He said playfully. I laughed it off. I was going to respond when my phone went off. I picked it up and seen that I had got a message from Brynn saying that I didn't have to come in to work today. I didn't bother to ask why, especially since she sent another one saying the club was being reviewed. I did a little happy dance and put my phone down. August was looking at me like I was crazy.
"What's all that for ma?" he asked. I shook my head.
"I don't have to go work today." I answered.
"Good then you can hang with me for the day." he said. He stood up and put me down.
"Ummm okay."
I had the time of my life with August today. He was so chilled and hilarious. He sort of spoiled me today. We went to one of his friends house for a little while, then the mall and movies and movie hopped and after the movies he took me to this really nice restaurant. He claimed there was more he wanted to do but time was running low. It was pretty late but August and I didn't want to end our day just yet. We were gonna head back to his house and go swimming when he got called for work. We just arrived at the studio. August got out the car and walked to my side and opened my door.
"Thank you." I said stepping out. He closed the door behind me and started making our way inside. It was a lot of people here, mostly guys and I immediately clung onto August.
"Aye Aug." One of the guys said. I noticed him from the dinner yesterday. It was Trinidad James. August walked up to him and they did some fancy handshake.
"Wassup man." he said before ending the handshake. Trinidad shook his head.
"Not much, tryna get this track together." he said. He looked past August at me and I smiled to be friendly. I could tell he was going to say something but August gave him this look and he kept silent.
"Aye when the bro coming through?" August asked.
"He should slide through in a minute, you beat him here." Trinidad replied. August nodded and grasped my hand.
"Alright. Come on." I followed him to one of the smaller booths. It was just us two in here and I felt a little more comfortable and relaxed.
"So who are you doing a song with?" I asked trying to start a conversation.
"Sage the gemini?"
"Yup." he nodded. I squealed.
"He is so bomb." I said without even realizing it. August gave me this look and that's when I had noticed I had called sage sexy.
"But not as sexy as you." I added. He laughed a little.
"So I'm sexy now." he smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"Not anymore." I lied.
"That's cool monkey face." he joked but didn't laugh.
"I see someone's a little salty." I said sarcastically.
"You want some fries with that?" I added. He nodded his head.
"Of course you do."
"Naa I'm playing. Aye I'm bout to hop in this booth real quick wanna help me out?" He walked into the actual recording booth.
He put on these headphones and adjusted the microphone.
"Can you hear me?" He asked. His voice echoed in the room loudly. I nodded my head.
"Loud and clear." I gave him the thumbs up. He instructed me to go to the table with all the switches and stuff and adjust some of them. It took me a minute because there were like a million switches and his descriptions were vague. But I finally got it right. I pressed the play button and this beat boomed through the room. It was a nice beat and I found August and I bobbing our heads to it. He started messing around with his voice and hitting different notes trying to find the right key. I felt a buzz and looked to see my phone ringing. I stepped out of the room and answered it.
"Hey kiz it's ron." he said. Ron was my boss from my other job. I instantly got irritated when I heard his voice. I hated getting calls from him especially because I hated what he would tell me.
"Did he request me or did you recommend me?" I asked getting right to the point.
"Hey he wanted a light skin, long curly hair, thick chick." he chuckled into the phone. I rolled my eyes.
"What about Breanna? She's thicker and lighter."
"Her hair isn't as curly." he protested. I sighed deeply into the phone.
"Fine he better be fine as h(e)ll." I said before hanging up in his face. He texted me a address. I went back in the room and August was out the booth messing with different switches. He stood up when I walked in because he was sitting in my seat.
"Everything alright?" he read the look on my face. I quickly put on a fake smile and nodded my head.
"Yea. I actually have to go, I got called in for work." I said.
"Alright. I can take you." he said. We walked out of the studio and got in the car. I gave him the address ron had sent me. He put the address into his navigation and was on his way.
"This isn't the way to the club." he commented.
"I do have more than one job." I said sarcastically.
"My bad ma. How was I supposed to know that?"
"I just told you." I said bluntly. He gave me this look and I held back my laugh. We finally pulled up our destination. August looked past me then at me.
"You work here?" he asked me confused. I looked up at a decent looking Hotel.
"H(e)ll no." I said without thinking. August gave me this really confused look.
"I-I mean yea. I'm a.... maid." I lied. August didn't look like he believed me.
"A maid?"
I nodded my head.
"A maid and a bartender."
"Yes is that a problem?" I said bluntly. He shook his head and threw his hands up in defense.
"Go on with yo fixin drinks and cleanin self ma." he smiled. I rolled my eyes and got out the car. August waited until I got in the hotel before leaving. I put my purse down on this couch and took out my phone. I called ron back.
"Ya know you forgot to tell me all the information. Like the fact that this n(i)gga is in a hotel." I nagged.
"Oh yea my fault babe-"
"Don't call me that." i cut him off. He laughed it off but I was dead a(s)s serious.
"He's on the fourth floor, room 421."
"And how long did he pay for?"
"1 hour. Treat him right. I expect a good review out of you." he said before hanging up. I groaned and rolled my eyes. I put my phone in my bag and started heading towards the elevator. I start preparing myself and trying to hide my attitude. I found the room and knocked on the door. It took the person forever to answer it. When he finally did, I had to do a double take. Of course it would be a guy I used to go to school with. The worse was he had the biggest crush on me and constantly tried to get me in bed with him. Now he finally gets his chance. I hate this job with a passion. I walked past him and stood in the center of the room. He closed the door and turned to me, smiling.
"Well look who it is. Miss cheerleader now a prostitute." he said with a devious smile. I rolled my eyes.
"Shut the f(u)ck up. Where do I put my stuff?" I asked with an attitude.
"Still stubborn as h(e)ll. Wherever you want to put it." he said. I looked around and decided to put my purse on the couch next to the window. I started taking off my shirt and shorts. I felt arms snake around my waist. When I turned around, he forcefully crashed his lips to mine. I pulled away and turned my head.
"I know it's your job to do all the work and put on a show, but I just want you to relax. I've been waiting a long time for this and I'll be d(a)mned if I don't take the lead." he said before picking me up and laying me on the bed.
This was the longest hour of my life. It seemed to never end. And I was happy as h(e)ll when it finally did. I climbed off the bed and put my lingerie back on.
"What you doing? Time's not up yet." he said. I shot him a evil look that didn't bother him at all. He was probably used to it.
"Actually it is." I said. I went to my purse and checked the time on my phone. I put my clothes back on and grabbed my purse. I stopped at the door and looked back at him. He was just putting on his boxers and pants.
"$250." I said. He looked at me like I had lost it.
"What?!? No I'm paying for an hour." he protested.
"You went 15 minutes over an hour. I charge for every little detail." I said. He shook his head.
"Look your boss told me $200 that's all you're getting." He  gave me $200 but I wasn't leaving without my 50. I called ron and he made his way to the hotel.
"What's the problem?" roc asked as soon as he got in the room.
"Your b(i)tch here wants 250 when you clearly told me 200." He semi-yelled. I gasped at him calling me a b(i)tch.
"Woah, now you can't just disrespect my employee that way." ron said trying to calm him down.
"My apologies but I'm not paying that extra $50." He explained. Ron nodded his head in understanding and looked at me.
"What is he paying extra for?"
"He went over an hour and you know how serious I am about my time AND money." I explained to Ron. Ron knew me and how I worked and I knew he was going to take my side.
"And how much do you want?"
"$50." I answered.
"Well there you have it. Give her $60." he said without a care in the world.
"No. she said $50."
"The time is still ticking. $60 now." ron threatened. He was done being calm because the guy was being so stubborn. He still refused to pay the extra money and ron pulled out his gun but didn't aim it at him.
"Woah. Come on man it isn't that serious."
"I don't play when it comes to business." ron said. he tossed me the gun and I gave him this confused look.
"wait what?"
"it's your money. you take care of it. shoot wisely."
"no problem." i smiled.
"Wait here. $75 just take it." he said worriedly. He pulled out some money from his wallet and tossed it to ron. Ron counted the money and nodded his head in satisfaction. He took $15 and gave the rest to me. the guy let down his guard as I lowered the gun and put the money in my bra. I looked at ron for my next directions. He looked from the guy to me. He nodded his head and smiled deviously. That same devious smile appeared on my face and I raised the gun back up.
"Wait! What are you doing?!? What is she doing?!? I gave you the money!!"
"It was nice doing business with you." ron chuckled and left the room. I laughed out loud and pulled the trigger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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