Niam~ Changing everything (au)

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~Niall's POV~

 I'm Niall James Horan. I'm 18 years old and go to high school in Wolverhampton. I moved here, because I got bullies in my old school. Why? Because I'm gay. When the school found out they turned against me. It's not like being gay is a disease. The people on my old school acted like that and pretended that they could beat the gay out of me.

When My mom walked in my bathroom and saw the bruises on my chest, she decided immediately to move. I didn't want to actually. I felt like I was a burden. She had to find a new house and a new job. My brother Greg had to leave his friends here. I still feel bad for it, but the worst thing is, the bullying is even worse here in the new town. Some kid read my diary that I carry always with me. He told the whole school. The school bully, Liam Payne, decided that I was his new punchback. All because I'm gay. My mother doesn't know this and she can't know. I feel guilty enough already. Oh, did I mention that I have feelings for my bully? No? Well, I have feelings for my bully

And that's not everything. I'm also a cat hybrid. With two furry blond cat ears on the top of my head. I'm glad I didn't wrote that in my diary, otherwise people would have known that too. I always wear a beanie to hide my ears, but it hurts. Fortunately I can keep my beanie on during classes. My tail, which is dark brown at the base and blond at the top, is hidden in my pants, wrapped around my leg. This is the last secret and I'm planning on keeping it that way. 

I'm the kis who sits in the back of the clasroom. The kid who nobody knows. The one who's chosen as last one with projects.... The list goes on. Of course I have friends, well... a friend. His name is Louis Tomlinson. He is very nice to me. Actually the only one who talks to me. He showed me the way to my classes the first day I came to school here. I guess we became friends that day and he has never left my side ever since that day.

I'm sitting in the back of the classroom, trying to pay attention to the teacher. It's impossible. Liam is throwing crumpled paper at my head. 

Just ignore it Niall. I encourage myself, but I can't. It hurts to know that the boy I love, hates me. I tried to get over him, but I can't get him out of my head. 

The bell rings. Yeay, time for my favorite class of the day. Lunch time! I hop up from my seat and run towards the canteen, but I can only walk two steps out of the classroom before I get shoved into a locker. I groan in pain. 

"Where do you think you're going?" A familiar voice sneers and I gulp. I look at the person standing in front of me and my eyes meet brown ones. Liam Payne is smirking at me and I know what's going to happen now. I close my eyes as I see him swinging his fist at my face. Soon an incredable pain starts in my nose and a crack sounds through the corridor. My nose is surely broken. 

I fall on the ground as Liam releases me. 

"You're pathetic. A waste of space. I bet no one loves you. And why are you always wearing this beanie? To hide you're ugly hair?" Liam says and pulls ofmy beanie, revealing my ears. Oh no. Liam's eyes widen in shock.

"You...You're a hybrid?" He  asks looking straight into my eyes. Slowly I nod, scared that he's going to beat me up even harder now. But he does the total opposite of what I expected. He starts to cry. I'm confused now? Why is he crying? Do I have to comfort him?

"Why are you crying?" I ask, but Liam doesn't answer. He only mumbles to himself. "I promised... I'm such a fool..." He sobs and I decide to wrap my arms around him.

"shhh." I coo in his ear. We sit like that for a while untill he finally is calmed down enough. Then he starts to explain.

"I'm sorry, Niall, for everything I did to you. I just.... It's just about my sister. She was a hybrid too. A dog hybrid to be exact. She had ears on her head just like you and she had a tail too. She was a very happy girl with lots of friends and a boyfriend. Mom had told her never to tell anyone about what she was, but she trusted Luke, her boyfriend. She trusted him enough to tell him everything, but when he saw the dog ears on top of her head, he freaked out and broke up with her, not waning to date a freak. Next day in school, he told everyone about her secret and that's when the bullying started. Me and my mom didn't know about this. We just found her one day, lying on the bathroom floor in a puddle of her one blood. She had committed suicide, the letter with an explanation was the only thing she left." Liam is crying again now and I am too. 

"The boy, Luke. He looks just like you. That's why I bully you, Niall, but I promise you, I'll never bully you again. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." He keeps repeating the last sentence and I can not help but forgive him.

"It's okay, Liam. I forgive you." I say and hug him tighter. Liam returns the hug.

"Friends?" he asks, hope glittering in his eyes and I nod.

"Friends." I say

Today is the day, everything is going to change.


Here it is! you liked it? I hope so!

It was a request from SwaggyJustin1. Hope you liked it.

Okay peoples, please 




If you liked it or even if you didn't liked it.

See you later

xx Lisa xx

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