🌼Who are we?🌼

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🌼Have you ever felt like you’re surrounded by people, yet still, there's this emptiness—this quiet loneliness that just lingers? It’s strange, isn’t it? 🌼

🌼I’ve been thinking a lot about loneliness lately. Not the kind that comes from being physically alone, but the kind that feels deeper, like an emptiness you can’t quite fill. It’s that quiet ache, the one you can’t always explain. Sometimes I wonder, is anyone else feeling it too? Is everyone else just pretending they’ve got it together, or are we all secretly struggling with this weird sense of disconnect?🌼

🌼I mean, we’re all surrounded by people, right? We’re constantly connected in so many ways—social media, texts, calls, the constant hum of the world aroundus. But somehow, even with all that noise, I still find myself feeling like something’s missing. Do you ever feel that? Like you're surrounded by voices, but none of them really get what’s going on inside you?🌼

🌼I guess that’s where the doubt starts to creep in. If I’m feeling this way, am I
doing something wrong? Am I not enough? I’ve had those moments where I feel like I’m floating through life, watching things happen around me but not really feeling like I’m fully part of it. I want to ask others, “Do you ever feel this lonely?” But then, I wonder if they’d say yes, or if they'd think I’m just overthinking things. Does anyone else question themselves the way I do? Or is it just me?🌼

🌼I wonder if we all carry this weight in silence, hiding our loneliness behind smiles and busy schedules. Why is it so hard to talk about? Why is it so easy to feel disconnected, even when we’re surrounded by people? Maybe it’sbecause, in the end, we’re all trying to understand ourselves and make sense of the world, and sometimes, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t have the answers.🌼

🌼Do you ever feel like you're caught between two worlds? The one where you’re trying to fit in, be seen, and be understood—and the one where you just
want to retreat, to step back and figure things out on your own? I find myself there a lot—somewhere between wanting to be known and wanting to hide away. And I guess I’m asking myself, is that okay? Is it okay to feel both things at once?🌼

🌼I don’t know the answers, honestly. I’m
just trying to figure it all out. But I can’t help but wonder, if we all asked these questions aloud, would we find that we’re not as alone as we think? Maybe loneliness isn’t something that can be fixed by external things, but something that we all feel, in one way or another. So, I guess I’ll ask you: do you ever feel this way too? Do you ever questionwhere you fit in the world?🌼

🌼Maybe, just maybe, asking these questions is the first step toward not feeling so alone.🌼


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2024 ⏰

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