Babe On The Dance Floor

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'Another Friday night,' Jaimie thought, getting ready for a party at Triple Babe, one of the only lesbian dive bars in Virginia. Unfortunately, it's an hour away, forty minutes, if you don't mind going over the speed limit. Jaimie rummaged through her closet, looking for the perfect outfit to wear. One that would attract the ideal Butch lesbian. However, none of the outfits were giving hot, seductive femme. They were giving overweight black girl and late in life lesbian who hardly knew the ins-outs of being a lesbian. All her life, she wanted to get married to a guy, have two kids, a boy, and a girl, and live as a stay-at-home mom who homeschooled her children. Now, her life has done a complete 180. No longer wanting kids after one terrible babysitting job. No longer wanting to get married after hearing about her friends getting divorced. And the lesbian part... Jaimie always knew she liked girls, but she didn't know whether she wanted to be like those athletic girls in high who played rugby or to be with them. Jaimie could kick herself sometimes, thinking about all the time wasted being with guys she knew she wasn't really attracted to. She just wanted to be like everyone else. And now she's the complete opposite. A thirty-two-year-old black plus-size woman getting ready to go to a lesbian bar to find some resemblance of companionship. She found her outfit after realizing no matter how many Spanx she puts on, she's still going to have a belly and a cute ass. She chose a cute short denim dress that showed her curvy shape and gave herself some room to dance.

Jaimie didn't mind the drive to Richland; honestly, she enjoyed it. It gave her time to think to plan out how she was going to end the room and how she was going to flirt the correct way, at least the way that the lesbian girlies said on social media. She didn't only think about her entrance but thought of her dream girl, the girl with everything she wanted. A masc or Butch, she wasn't too picky on which, and that was all she was looking for. Of course, she wanted to have someone who communicated well, was emotionally intelligent, had goals in their life, wasn't a hey-mama type, didn't cheat on their girl, and was not poly. It was enough to find one girl, let alone be in a whole poly pocket, plus she would be jealous.

Most importantly, she wanted to be with a woman who wanted to be seen with her, not hidden in the DMs or only meet for sex. She slammed her hand on the steering wheel, knowing that she had to get over the whole 'woe is me, I'm fat, and no one's gonna actually like me' routine. Her high school days weren't the best. It wasn't cool or even acceptable to be fat unless you could benefit the popular crowd like Royal Jesters. Jaimie didn't have any talent to appease them. She wasn't a singer, she wasn't funny, she wasn't even that smart. She was just her. These days are different, though bigger women are accepted now, even admired and loved... right? Parking her car in her usual spot, she thought about all the times that she would be so close to being with someone until they utter phrases like "I like you, but we're not compatible," or "You are so great, but I think we should be just friends."

Looking at herself in the visor mirror as she put on her lipstick, she muttered, "Fuck it, I'm done." She was done with the cat-and-mouse games, the how-to-flirt tips, the searching for hidden treasure. She was done finding a girlfriend, a person to call her own, at least for tonight, anyway. She was going to go into that bar, get the strongest drink, and twerk like it's no one's damn business.

Walking into the bar was a lesbian girl's dream; only women were allowed in the bar. Don't get twisted; we love our gays, but this place was there to shine bright, and tonight was no exception. You had your masc, your studs, the stems, the butches, the trans girlies, everyone was having a good time. It was Y2K night, the time when all the girls thought was retro, and it was the time Jaimie lived and breathed. Heading straight for the bar, she asked for two shots of vodka and two limes. The girl next to her looked at Jaimie in shock when she downed both of them, one right after the other—and grinned when Jaimie sucked the lime completely and licked the drippings from her hand. Jaimie gave the bartender her money before the girl could speak.

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