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Once there lived a girl. She always thought she was beautiful. And smart. She wanted to make her parents proud. Therefore she didn't dare to date a soul.

One day she felt feelings for a boy around her age. He was tall. A sweet talker. And a kind young man in her eyes.

Another day, she decided to express her feelings towards him. But.. everyone looked at her. Everyone's eyes were on her. Everyone laughed at her. That boy called her an 'attention seeker','pick me' and other name calling. He humilated her.

That night. She poured her heart out to the soft pillows and blankets. Tears staining the fabrics. No one is there to comfort her. Even the sound of their fighting didn't made her sleep.

From that night. She changed. She now only thinks of their compliments are sarcasms. No one noticed her pain underneath those flesh. She lost Faith in life.

Moral of the story: be careful of what you say. Your words could mean more than it should.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 06 ⏰

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