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      In the city of Texas, two couples were on a journey to Houston in the united states. On their way, around 10 pm their car stopped working and they both got down. Both were scared of what might happen to them since it was late in the night. they did all they could to get the car moving but to no avail. then the wife remembered that had a friend that lives close  by  and they both agreed to go together, but no vehicle.

     Fortunately for them, a bike man was returning home and was also going the same way as they were. So, they begged the man to take that there and they promised to pay. On getting there, the man was about going to bed when he heard a knock and he opened it. 

"Brother Francis", said the couples, how are you? Brother Francis was really happy to see the couples since he left their fellowship in Los Angeles to Houston where he now resides. Brother Francis invited them in and went out to get something for them to eat due to their long Journey.

'Knock, Knock', Francis knocked the door of his neighbor Mr. Felix.

'Mr. Felix, it is I Francis please can you open the door and give me some bread, I have visitors, said Francis.

'Oh, Francis, am really tired and am already falling asleep, can you come back tomorrow'? Mr. Felix replied.

'Oh, Mr. Felix am really in need of these I have visitors who are famished." Francis asked in desperation.

After knocking for almost 30 minute, Mr. Felix stood up and gave Francis a bag filled with Bread and Crates of Eggs.

'These should last you for a very long time, please manage it for the main time', Mr. Felix told Francis looking tired.

Mr. Felix went back home with so much joy for the fact that he now has enough food for his visitors and he also.

This story signifies us when knocking on heaven's door for something. Don't give up on God because he cares and will never give up on you. it might look like it will never come but be patient because it is a matter of time. God is never too late, never too early, he is always on time. 

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