Coughing petals?

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It was a normal day for Celeste. Celeste has many friends, but no one ever compared to this one boy named Ceaser. Celeste and Ceaser were friends for 9 years, but then... Ceaser was now distancing, and it kind of broke Celeste's heart. While Ceaser was alone, Celeste cornered him and said, "Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? You know you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend." Said Celeste while putting a hand on Ceaser's shoulder, but Ceaser shoved the hand away. Celeste was shocked by Ceaser's action, so she didn't put a hand on Ceaser's shoulder.

Celeste had no idea why Ceaser did that. Celeste then responded, "Why did you shove my hand away? Did I do something that bad that I didn't know? Please tell me so I can fix it!" Said Celeste with some desperation and confusion in her voice. Ceaser felt a little bad but didn't want to tell her, but Ceaser couldn't help the pain inside and said, "It's because you're a bit annoying and I need space. Is that hard to notice?!" Ceaser didn't know how frustrated his voice sounded after looking at Celeste's face. All confusion and pain, then Celeste responded, "Oh, alright, then I'll give you space if you want," said Celeste while looking away. Ceaser didn't know how aggressive his voice was and now feels bad, but what he said was true. Before Ceaser replied to Celeste, she left.

A few days when Celeste is giving Ceaser space, she notices that someone is hanging out with Ceaser, and it's her enemy named Maria. "Why is Ceaser hanging out with my enemy?!" That's what Celeste thought. Ceaser knows that she's Celeste's enemy, but why? Seeing them hanging out made Celeste feel something inside envy? Probably just jealousy. Ceaser knows that Maria is Celeste's enemy. Celeste is confused about why Ceaser is hanging out with her. Then Celeste's jealousy grew even more that Ceaser was holding Maria by her shoulder.

Then Celeste felt something in her throat. She coughed off some petals and went immediately to the bathroom, but one of her friends named Harmony found her running to the bathroom. Celeste was coughing off petals on the toilet, and Harmony gasped and immediately kneeled beside Celeste. and said, "Celeste?! Oh my... Why are you coughing up flowers?!" Harmony patted Celeste's back and grabbed a towel in her purse, wiping off the blood and the petals. "I.. I don't know why I'm coughing up blood!" said Celeste and cried a little. Harmony is also one of Celeste's best friends. "How about we go to the hospital after school? How's that sound?" said Harmony while patting Celeste's back. Celeste nodded and leaned on Harmony a bit. "Lean all you want I got you; remember that I always got your back." said Harmony, and it made Celeste calm down a bit.

Meanwhile, Ceaser did see Celeste running off but didn't care a bit, or so he thought... Through the whole day, Ceaser didn't see Celeste anywhere, and it was making him anxious a bit. Then school has ended, and Ceaser starts looking for Celeste. Then he saw Harmony and ran up to her, saying, "Hey, have you seen Celeste? I haven't seen her anywhere! I chatted her, but she only ghosted me, ugh!" Harmony remembered that Celeste said, 'If Ceaser tells you if you know where I am, just say that you don't know where I am, alright? ' So Harmony said no. And it made Ceaser even more anxious. Ceaser thanked Harmony and continued to look for Celeste. Meanwhile, Harmony contacted Celeste and told her about what had happened and asked where she was so that they could go to the hospital. Celeste saw the message and responded that she was at the back gate.

When Harmony received the message, she immediately ran to the back gate to meet with Celeste. "Hey! There you are. How are you doing? Any... Uhm, coughing?" said Harmony. Celeste nodded and said, "Yeah. Every class I asked to go to the bathroom once, so... yeah," said Celeste while staring at the floor. Harmony patted Celeste's back, feeling so sad for her best friend. "Let's get you to the hospital for that coughing mess... Alright?" said Harmony, still patting Celeste's back. Celeste nodded, and Harmony opened her phone to find a cab to go to the hospital; meanwhile, little did they know that Ceaser was spying on them.

"Coughing mess? Is Celeste having a bad fever?"That's what Ceaser thought. he snapped out of his thoughts when he saw that Harmony and Celeste were now going inside a cab. Ceaser will try and confront Celeste by tomorrow since it's already the end of school and his parents are quite strict, so he walks out of school and goes home. Meanwhile with Harmony and Celeste, Celeste couldn't stop coughing once in a while. Harmony held up a face towel to Celeste's mouth to cough, and Harmony came a bit prepared because she bought some plastic bags for Celeste's petals. Then soon later they arrived at the hospital and Harmony paid for the cab. Harmony and Celeste then came at the receptionist counter, telling them about Celeste's condition.

The receptionist said that the doctor will be with them shortly and told them to sit at the waiting area for the time being. While waiting, Harmony and Celeste talked about their day, and while talking for a bit, the doctor finally came. Saying, "Hi, my name is Doctor Gerald. Are you the patient that told the receptionist about coughing up blood and flowers?" Harmony and Celeste looked up at the person who interrupted their conversation, and Harmony nodded. "Yes, this is my friend named Celeste; we just found out that she is coughing up flowers. Will you check up on her and tell us what's going on?" Doctor Gerald nodded and said, "This way, girls, we will check on your friend Celeste to see what's going on with her." gesturing to one of the hospital rooms as he said that. Harmony then signals Celeste to go inside, and she did, and both of them did.

Once they are inside, doctor Gerald gestures for Celeste to lay down on the bed. Celeste caught the gesture and lied down on the bed. Once she was now on the bed, Dr. Gerald began to ask questions about Celeste's situation about her coughing up Flowers. Soon later, doctor Gerald looks through his paper and the question that he asked Celeste. Only brings out one thing, Miss Celeste, you have...


HIII, this is my first time writing and wanting to try it. So I hope you guys will like it! I appreciate it.
Hehe, So yeah, thank you for reading and see what's next... 😌

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11 ⏰

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Celeste fell; Ceaser fell late; Celeste left the feelings behind.Where stories live. Discover now