Chapter 16 - Revenge tastes sweet (Ash)

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A quick update - I plan on doing around 10 more chapters before the end, but I will be doing a second year.

I am in love with writing right now I could finish it today :P
Enjoy your day!


Saturday came around really quickly and I headed to the park extra early. Calem never replied to my message but I knew he would show up with Jack and his friends. I met Cilan and he had the bag on his back.

"Is everything ready?" I took the bag off him and looked inside. A pile ready stink bombs in the bottom. I took a handful and put them in my pockets. I hadn't laughed at anything in a while so today was perfect.

"Ash, we'll teach you not to ever snitch again" Jack clenched a fist as he walked into the park.

I gave a smirk at the four stood ten yards away "I guess I couldn't help myself, sometimes I need to learn" Cilan readied himself and I put my hands in my pockets.

"Why not let bygons be bygons, I am sure we can figure something out" I held out my hand for a handshake and Jack went to slap it away. As he done so, I placed a stink bomb in my hand and passed it on to Jack. Before he could react, it blew up in his face and they was all immersed in a horrible smell. I couldn't control myself and burst out laughing, before continuously throwing more stink bombs, adding to the smell. They all backed off to get away from it and I decided to walk off. The thing I was betting everything on happened. Calem grabbed my shoulder and span me around. I caught his fist as he threw it at me. The two month long rage was finally going to be released. I sent a boot into his shin and he jumped back in pain. I grabbed onto his stomach and tackled him to the ground. After restraining him, I gave Calem a death stare.

"Listen here, you senseless, self-minded idiot. I am going to get back with Serena and we are going to continue as things had been. It will only be a week until you get suspended and everyone knows you was involved, so it's over, Calem" I got off him and stood up. He knew I had won, so he just stared at me.

"If you shake my hand here and now, I'll make sure no one finds out of your involvement" I held out my hand and brought Calem onto his feet. He shook my hand, but we still looked at eachother with daring eyes. It was only a matter of time before more revenge was necessary.

"And take a shower, you smell like shit" I pushed his hand back towards him and walked off home Cilan followed behind me and went the other way round to his house.

"Ash, before I go. What do you plan on doing next?" He asked, emptying his bag of the other stink bombs.

"I am going to Serena's to explain everything" I smiled and after saying goodbye, headed off home and to Serena's. I wasn't going to mention Calem unless he got involved with our relationship again. He was one word away from being friendless.

I reached Serena's and knocked on her door. Her mom sighed when she saw me.

"And what do you want? You'll be lucky if Serena comes to talk to you" I scratched my head and sighed myself.

"I need to talk to her though, can you please get her" I sounded like a beggar. Her mom sighed again and closed the door. After five minutes, Serena stepped outside.

"Oh thank god, Serena I need to explain everything" I stared into her eyes. She was still upset.

"I understand everything Ash, you don't want me anymore" She looked like she was going to cry and it made me feel sad.

"Listen, on monday my attackers are being suspended from school for 2 weeks. They made me break up with you and intimidated me into doing so" I questioned myself, why was I so nice to Calem, let alone anyone else.

"I made a plan after that to get some revenge before they got suspended, if you don't believe me wait until monday" I smiled at Serena, who looked me in the eyes. I had the most serious eyes that I have ever had in a long time and she began crying. I brought her in close to me and she put her head on my chest.

"Oh, Ash. I am so sorry for treating you like this and letting Dawn treat you the same" She looked sorry, but I smiled.

"It's not your fault. What's important is everything is back to normal and we don't have to worry anymore" I looked up at the sky and smiled. Everything was perfect again. I just had to keep an eye on Calem for the rest of the year. There was no backing down anymore, because I know he will be planning something new.

Serena stayed in my arms for five minutes, before finally regaining her thoughts. She smiled and me and I reassuringly smiled back.

"I will always love you Serena" I whispered.

Vaniville High - First Year (An Amourshipping Fanfiction) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now