Just Accept It

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"Hey, mom." Stiles looked up from his phone, as Erica, Boyd, & Lydia sat down at his table. He raised an eyebrow. 


"I said hey." 

"But you called me mom." Erica looked at him like he was the crazy one. 

"Ya, cause you're pack mom." 

"I am not." 

"You are to." 

"How does that even make sense? I'm a man, your age by the way, not a mother."

"You're mom." Stiles rolled his eyes, getting ready to completely argue his point. 

"What's up?" Jackson, Scott, Allison, & Isaac joined them at the table. All of them raising an eyebrow at Stiles' grumbling. 

"Tell Stiles I'm right, & that he's mom." 

"Sorry dude, she's right." Stiles flailed a little, feeling betrayed by his friends. 

"I'm not pack mom!"

Jackson laughed. "Okay. Put your backpack on the table." 


"Just do it." 

Stiles grumbled, but pulled his backpack onto the table. Jackson took it, opening the second pocket. He pulled out a travel first aid kit (werewolf emergency edition), raising an eyebrow. 

"Why do you have this?" 

"In case anybody gets hurt." He chuckled, setting it aside & moving on to the next thing. 

"Three mini water bottles?" 

"In case anybody gets dehydrated." 

"Pads.. & tampons?" 

"You never know when somebody might have an emergency." 

"An inhaler?" 

"Being a werewolf didn't stop Scott from needing it before, you never know." 

Jackson went to reach for the next thing, but Stiles snatched his bag away, holding it close to his chest. 

"Alright, you've made your point. I'm prepared for everything." 

"You're pack mom, Stiles." 

Stiles rolled his eyes, but didn't argue against it. Lydia laughed, kissing his head as she stood. 

"Later, mom." 

"Ya, see you after school mom." 

The rest of the pack, except Isaac, stood & left too. All of them ignoring the glare Stiles was pointing at them. Isaac stood, waiting for Stiles to do the same so they could go to class. 

"I won't call you mom, if it really bothers you." Stiles smiled, running his hand through Isaac's hair. 

"Nah, it's not so bad.. Just don't tell the others I said that." Isaac smiled. 

"Your secret's safe with me."

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