The rebellion

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the prologue

"Shit" I said as I stumbled backwards, trying to get away from the tall man with long black hair and a young, clean shaven face, who was pointing a gun at me. I looked around the kitchen trying to find somewhere to hide or something to protect myself with, "you can run but you cant hide" said the young man, he was acting like it was some kind of game and it made me sick especially seeing as he cant have been older than 17 which is only two years older than me. "stay the fuck away from me with that" I tried to scream but the only noise that I managed to create was more like a mouses squeak rather than a monsters roar, I turned to run but tripped and landed on the ground, something sharp slicing its way through the thin layer of clothes and into the frozen skin of my arm, the blood quickly soaked my sleeve and dribbled down my arm to my sweaty hand, I tried to push my self up, screaming as the muscles surrounding the knife tensed, but flopping back to the cold wooden floor as my hand slipped and slid in my own damp sweat and blood, I looked around desperately trying to find something to use as a weapon or something to throw at the young man who was slowly getting closer and closer to my sweaty limp body, but there was nothing, I could only see wooden floor boards and the kitchen sink draped in moonlight coming from the smashed window at the other side of the room. I twisted in agonising pain as I yanked out the ragged blood covered knife from my left arm. I turned back trying to forget the throbbing pain in my arm and managed to get one glimpse of the large soft shape that I had tripped on, before the man came at me again, it seemed he had put the gun away but in the state that I was in his fists may as well been bullets because every pond felt like it was going right throw me and coming out the other hand blood splattered. "leave her" another man said, walking into the room "she's already as good as dead" the man above me made and sad face and pouted " taking away my toy so soon, aww but the fun was only just beginning" the man said laughing and coming closer to me till his breath mingled with mine, he picked up the knife that lay on the floor covered in the blood from my arm, grabbed my and brought it even closer to his, " it was amusing playing games with your mother, but I am sure that you will be a lot more fun. And I have the perfect game to start with" the man said bringing the knife to my face and placing it just under my left eye. "I call it makeover, the rules are, number one you stay as still as a tree and number two I turn your beautiful little face into a horror", the man laughed and dug the knife in, I felt the cold steel being dragged in a downwards motion and then nothing, I couldn't feel it any more it was like all feeling had just left my body, the man dropped me and I flopped backwards to ground I hit my head hard on the wood and then not only was my feeling gone but my sight too. I struggled hard to not give up so soon not until I knew why those men had attacked me, had killed my family, and had destroyed my home, but my hearing was fading fast and it was hard to keep fighting the warm sleepy feeling that was coming over me, "have you disposed of the parents" the second man asked as the other began to bend down next to my dead mother, or at least that what it sounded like and lift her up over his shoulders before swinging her back over his head and letting her drop to the floor in a heap, "yep the dads upstairs and that's the mother, the idiot girl tripped over her earlier it was hilarious you should have seen it " the first man said laughing.

"just remember we are not here to have fun, we are here to collect the data and take it back to the master" the second man said his voice serious and wise not like the first man's which was playful but sick and creepy.

"fine, she's not even as fun as I thought she would be" the younger man said leaving the kitchen through the door beside me and kicking me hard as he past, "how come, I thought you would have lots of fun with a beauty like her, in fact I made a bet with a few other men that if you found a young girl as beautiful as that you would take her back and keep her as your little toy"

"why would you think that?" the first man said sounding annoyed as their voices began to fade as they left the room and began walking down the hallway.

"well you do always fall in love so easily, and I thought a a petite dark haired girl with large breasts would be right up your street"

"oh well I'm sure that if she survives will meet again" the young man said opening the front door and letting a strong cold rush of air in the house. And then I couldn't hear anything it was like all sound had just left the world, like I was trapped in a silent night that I might never get out of.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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