The Black Cat of Death

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           First of all, I wrote this storty a long time ago, like in 6th grade.

                      It was Halloween Night, 2009, and 4 boys, Derrick, Jesse, Shawn, and Bob, were walking down Main St. in Revington, Nebraska. It was approximately 11 P.M. and everyone had gone in but them. They were walking, and a fat black cat came up and rubbed up against all four of them. Shawn, leaned over to pet the cat. Meanwhile, The other three ran and screamed like little school girls.

            About an hour later, they found each other again, on Washington Ave. and they all crashed at Shawn’s house, they all fell asleep about 3 A.M.

            The Next Morning…………………

            The next morning, around 10, Derrick awoke, and had to go pee. He walked into the bathroom, and stepped into something. He looked down, and it was BLOOD!!!!!!!! He opened up the shower curtain, and there was Shawn, laying there in the tub, DEAD…   

            Derrick Screamed like a little baby, because his best friend is laying right before him, deader than a possum in the road. He ran back into the livingroom, and awoke Jesse and Bob. He led them to the crime scene, and then Bob called 911. The police got into the house in about 5 minutes. They asked who’s footprint was in the blood. Derrick said it was his. They asked why. He said that he had gotten up to go pee, and he had blurred vision, ‘cuz he just woke up, and he stepped in blood. They were all like, “OK”. As the police continued to investigate the scene, the other 3 went walking. Jesse was walking, and walked out into the middle of Main St. and BLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             His girlfriend screamed, and by then Jesse’s brains were scattered all over the road. The SUV had blood all over it, and the headlights were busted. Meanwhile, across town, Bob and Derrick were boarding a plane to go to the Grand Canyon. About an hour into the flight, one of the engines failed, and the plane started to lean to one side, then the other engine failed, and the plane just fell right out of the sky. The plane crashed, with Bob and Derrick inside. All of the members died. At their funeral, Bob and Derrick’s mom was crying and bawling, and then she seen something. It was the black cat from 3 days ago, resting her little head in between the two caskets…………………………………………………………..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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