the story begins

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One day in a far off land in the kingdom of zeini a child was about to be born and two years later another would come along, but if we go back to the first birth, this first important birth we find something amazing.

this first child was of the king and queen, rulers of zeini, they named him Antonius, prince Antonius. not so far away was the small village of silvercoast, a year later, two more children were born first a boy, and they named him Bobbi ,after his father, next came a girl who they named Faunn, these children were not related but they were born a few minutes after each other in the same place so would grow up being the very best of friends, but before all that, a year after these births, there came a second of the rulers, but this one a girl who came to be named Liliana

Upon the kings first visit to silvercoast with his son a year old and Bobbi and Faunn newly born, the king looked upon the children and said "amazing children grow up to be heroes", he then looked closer at the baby girl "she will do many great things as a teenager, many adventures await", his son looked upon her too and thought she was amazing but he was only one, what did he know. upon the second visit with his newly born daughter and a son of 2 during a carnival celebrating the newborn, he looked upon them again and says the same only this time looking closer at Bobbi saying "one of two, no relation but a wonderful friendship and a loyal companion to attend him on adventures even though doubt may slow him down he will do anything to reach his goal", his young son looked upon him too thinking he would make a good friend but he was still young and his ever growing mind still knew nothing, the newborn even opened her eyes, only to rest them on the young Bobbi not knowing if she would ever see him again. after the carnival the village returned to normal... almost.

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